Vim Da Bahia Pra Lhe Ver

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

Vim Da Bahia Pra Lhe Ver

Author: Mestre Jelon

Author: Mestre Jelon

Song Lyrics

0:11 - Vinha da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

0:14 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

0:17 - Vim da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

0:18 - pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver

Eng: to see you, to see you, to see you

0:21 - pra lhe ver

Eng: to see you

0:23 - Vinha da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

0:26 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

0:28 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

0:30 - pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver

Eng: to see you, to see you, to see you

0:34 - Tava la no alto da Ribeira

Eng: It was at the top of the Ribeira

0:37 - Na Bahia que è terra de muito axê

Eng: In Bahia, which is a land of a lot of axê

0:39 - Minha mae è uma grande lavadeira

Eng: My mom is a big laundress

0:42 - O meu pai nos appendera na colheita

Eng: My father taught us how to harvest

0:46 - Vinha da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

0:49 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

0:52 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

0:53 - pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver

Eng: to see you, to see you, to see you

0:58 - Vinha da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

1:00 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

1:03 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

1:05 - pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver

Eng: to see you, to see you, to see you

1:09 - Minha jangada~ vem pro Rio de janeiro

Eng: My boat arrives at Rio De Janeiro

1:12 - Vem ate Salome e São Tropè

Eng: Come to Salome and São Tropè

1:15 - Vem que eu so um bom jangadeiro

Eng: Come on, I'm just a good good rafter

1:17 - Tambem so um capoeira vim aqui so

Eng: I’m a Capoeirista as well and I only

1:20 - pra lhe ver

Eng: came to see you

1:21 - Vinha da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

1:24 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

1:27 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

1:29 - pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver

Eng: to see you, to see you, to see you

1:33 - Vinha da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

1:36 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

1:39 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

1:40 - pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver

Eng: to see you, to see you, to see you

1:44 - Chegar ao Rio de Janeiro

Eng: I arrived in Rio De Janeiro

1:47 - Terra com clima genial

Eng: A Land with a great climate

1:50 - Trouxe de lembrança pra você um

Eng: I brought you a souvenir

1:52 - Um atabaque pandeiro e

Eng: Atabaque a pandeiro

1:53 - tambem trouxe um berimbau

Eng: and also brought one berimbau

1:56 - Vinha da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

1:59 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

2:02 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

2:04 - pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver

Eng: to see you, to see you, to see you

2:08 - Vinha da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

2:10 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

2:13 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

2:15 - pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver

Eng: to see you, to see you, to see you

2:19 - Para na Baía de Guanabara

Eng: I stopped in the Bay of Guanabara

2:22 - De frente ao faro Cristo Redentor

Eng: Facing the Christ the Redeemer Lighthouse

2:24 - Me deu fome eu comei o Pao de açucar

Eng: I was starving and ate the sugar loaf

2:27 - Fui pra Barra da Tijuca so pra ver o meu amor

Eng: I was to Barra of the Tijuca only to see my love

2:31 - Vinha da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

2:33 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

2:36 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

2:38 - pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver

Eng: to see you, to see you, to see you

2:42 - Vinha da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

2:45 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

2:48 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

2:49 - pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver

Eng: to see you, to see you, to see you

2:54 - pra lhe ver

Eng: to see you

2:55 - pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver

Eng: to see you, to see you, to see you

2:59 - pra lhe ver

Eng: to see you

3:00 - pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver

Eng: to see you, to see you, to see you

3:05 - Vinha da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

3:08 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

3:11 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

3:13 - pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver

Eng: to see you, to see you, to see you

3:17 - Vinha da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

3:20 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

3:22 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

3:24 - pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver

Eng: to see you, to see you, to see you

3:28 - pra lhe ver

Eng: to see you

3:29 - pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver

Eng: to see you, to see you, to see you

3:35 - pra lhe ver

Eng: to see you

3:36 - pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver

Eng: to see you, to see you, to see you

3:40 - Vinha da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

3:43 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

3:46 - vinha da da Bahia pra lhe ver

Eng: I came from Bahia to see you

3:47 - pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver, pra lhe ver

Eng: to see you, to see you, to see you

History and sentiment behind song

The song references the Jangada which is a fishing raft made of six longitudinal logs from the Piuva tree (similar to Balsa). It is held together with wooden pegs and vegetable fibre and constructed using only the simplest of tools. It is used off the beaches of north east Brazil by the ‘Janadeiros’. Jangadas date back thousands of years and are a strong iconic feature of Brazilian folklore. It is not uncommon for poor fisherman to spend days at a time fishing on high seas in these small craft. The chorus of this song implies the pride the singer has though coming from humble means.

The song mentions a loaf, which in humour to the fact that the famous hill in Rio is called “Sugar loaf”.

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