Quem Vem Lá

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

Song Lyrics

0:20 - Quem vem lá? Sou eu

Eng: Who goes there? Me

0:23 - Quem vem lá? Sou eu

Eng: Who goes there? Me

0:25 - Berimbau bateu

Eng: Berimbau hit

0:27 - Capoeira sou eu

Eng: Capoeira it’s me

0:30 - Quem vem lá? Sou eu

Eng: Who goes there? Me

0:32 - Quem vem lá? Sou eu

Eng: Who goes there? Me

0:35 - Berimbau bateu

Eng: Berimbau hit

0:37 - Capoeira sou eu

Eng: Capoeira it’s me

0:40 - Quem vem lá? Sou eu

Eng: Who goes there? Me

0:42 - Quem vem lá? Sou eu

Eng: Who goes there? Me

0:44 - Berimbau bateu

Eng: Berimbau hit

0:47 - Capoeira sou eu

Eng: Capoeira it’s me

0:49 - Quem vem lá? Sou eu

Eng: Who goes there? Me

0:51 - Quem vem lá? Sou eu

Eng: Who goes there? Me

0:54 - Berimbau bateu

Eng: Berimbau hit

0:56 - Capoeira sou eu

Eng: Capoeira it’s me

0:58 - Eu venho de longue

Eng: I come from far away

1:01 - Venho da Bahia

Eng: Came from Bahia

1:03 - Jogue Capoeira

Eng: Play Capoeira

1:06 - Meu nome e (suassuna)

Eng: My name is (your name)

1:08 - Quem vem lá? Sou eu

Eng: Who goes there? Me

1:10 - Quem vem lá? Sou eu

Eng: Who goes there? Me

1:13 - Berimbau bateu

Eng: Berimbau hit

1:15 - Capoeira sou eu

Eng: Capoeira it’s me

1:17 - Mas sou eu sou eu

Eng: But it’s me. It’s me

1:19 - Quem vem lá

Eng: Who goes there

1:20 - Mas Sou eu Brevenuto

Eng: I’m Brevenuto

1:21 - Quem vem lá

Eng: Who goes there

1:22 - Montado a cavalo

Eng: On horseback

1:23 - Quem vem lá

Eng: Who goes there

1:24 - Fumando charuto

Eng: Smoking a cigar

1:26 - Quem vem lá

Eng: Who goes there

1:27 - Mas sou eu sou eu

Eng: But it’s me. It’s me

1:28 - Quem vem lá

Eng: Who goes there

1:29 - Mas Sou eu Brevenuto

Eng: I’m Brevenuto

1:30 - Quem vem lá

Eng: Who goes there

1:31 - Montado a cavalo

Eng: On horseback

1:33 - Quem vem lá

Eng: Who goes there

1:34 - Fumando charuto

Eng: Smoking a cigar

1:35 - Quem vem lá

Eng: Who goes there

1:36 - Mas sou eu sou eu

Eng: But it’s me. It’s me

1:37 - Quem vem lá

Eng: Who goes there

1:38 - Mas Sou eu Brevenuto

Eng: I’m Brevenuto

1:40 - Quem vem lá

Eng: Who goes there

1:41 - Montado a cavalo

Eng: On horseback

1:42 - Quem vem lá

Eng: Who goes there

1:43 - Fumando charuto

Eng: Smoking a cigar

1:44 - Quem vem lá

Eng: Who goes there

History and sentiment behind song

Who goes there? A song about how people come from afar to take part in Capoeira.

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