Xô Xô Meu Canário

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

Xô Xô Meu Canário

Song Lyrics

0:07 - Xô xô meu canário

Eng: Shoo Shoo my canary

0:11 - Meu canário é cantador

Eng: My canary is a singer

0:14 - Xô xô meu canário

Eng: Shoo Shoo my canary

0:17 - Foi embora e me deixou

Eng: He went away and left me

0:21 - Xô xô meu canário

Eng: Shoo Shoo my canary

0:24 - Meu canário da alemanha

Eng: my canary is from germany

0:27 - Xô xô meu canário

Eng: Shoo Shoo my canary

0:31 - Bate asa e avoo

Eng: I beat my wing and fly

0:34 - Xô xô meu canário

Eng: Shoo Shoo my canary

History and sentiment behind song

Song about a canary that flew away. The word Xô is used when we want something not approach us, to essentially shoo away things.

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