O Negro Religioso

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

O Negro Religioso

Author: Mestre Marrom

Song Lyrics

0:27 - O Negro Religioso

Eng: The Religious Black

0:32 - Dentro de casa tem seu gonga

Eng: Inside the house there is a gong

0:39 - O Negro Religioso

Eng: The Religious Black

0:44 - Dentro de casa tem seu gonga

Eng: Inside the house there is a gong

0:49 - Porém desde o cativeira

Eng: But since captivity

0:52 - Mudou de nome o seu Orixá

Eng: Your Orixá changed its name

0:58 - E assim dona Janaína é Nossa Senhora da Conceicão

Eng: And so Dona Janaína is Our Lady of the Conception

1:06 - Oxum e das Candeias

Eng: Oxum and Candeias

1:09 - Oxóssi é São Sebastião

Eng: Oxóssi is Saint Sebastian

1:16 - São Lázaro é Omolu

Eng: Saint Lazarus is Omolu

1:18 - São Jorge é Ogum

Eng: Saint George is Ogum

1:20 - Santana é Nanâ

Eng: Saint Anne is Nanâ

1:27 - E assim São Bartolomeu é Oxumaré

Eng: And so Saint Bartholomew is Oxumaré

1:31 - So Pedro é Xangó

Eng: So Pedro is Xangó

1:34 - Obá é Joana D’arc

Eng: Obá is Joana D’arc

1:38 - Pai Oxalá é Nosso Senhor

Eng: Father Oxalá is Our Lord

History and sentiment behind song

Song about slaves who brought their African beliefs in spirits and magic to Brazil. While the slaves outwardly worshipped under the Catholic faith, they covertly carried on their religious beliefs since slave owners prohibited slaves from practising their African form of worship.

Orixás worship, is common in Brazil, there is a calendar celebration for all the gods, which generally coincide with the Catholic celebrations of Lent, Advent, Easter and the days of Saints John, Peter, Paul, Lazarus, Cosmos and Damian, Anthony, Sebastian, George, and All Souls' Day, and Immaculate Conception.

The song refers to Ogum, which is associated with Saint George the dragon-slayer, he is the god of steel and lives deep in the forest his colours vary but always include the red of blood. His symbol is the sword and other wrought iron tools.

Oxalá at the end of the song refers to the creator God in Candomblé (African religion),

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