Guerreiro Do Quilombo

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

Guerreiro Do Quilombo

Author: Mestre Barrão

Song Lyrics

0:26 - Eeeeeeeeeee

Eng: Eeeeeeeeeee

0:30 - Sou Guerreiro do Quilombo, Quilombola

Eng: I'm a Warrior of Quilombo, Quilombola

0:34 - Lê lê lê ô

Eng: Read reads read ô

0:35 - Eu sou Negro dos Bantos de Angola

Eng: I am Negro of the Bantos of Angola

0:38 - Negro nagô

Eng: Negro Nagô

0:40 - Sou Guerreiro do Quilombo, Quilombola

Eng: I'm a Warrior of Quilombo, Quilombola

0:43 - Lê lê lê ô

Eng: Read reads read ô

0:45 - Eu sou Negro dos Bantos de Angola

Eng: I am Negro of the Bantos of Angola

0:48 - Negro nagô

Eng: Negro Nagô

0:50 - Fomos trazidos pro Brasil

Eng: We were brought to Brazil

0:52 - Minha família separou

Eng: My family separated

0:54 - Minha mana foi vendida

Eng: My mana has been sold

0:56 - Pra fazenda de um senhor

Eng: To a lord's farm

0:59 - O meu pai morreu no tronco

Eng: My father died in the trunk

1:02 - No chicote do feitor

Eng: In the overseer's whip

1:04 - O meu irmão não tem a orelha

Eng: My brother doesn't have an ear

1:06 - Porque o feitor arrancou

Eng: Because the overseer took off

1:09 - Na mente trago tristeza

Eng: In my mind I bring sadness

1:11 - E no corpo muita dor

Eng: And a lot of pain in the body

1:14 - Mas olha um dia

Eng: But look one day

1:16 - Pro quilombo eu fugi

Eng: I ran away to the quilombo

1:18 - Com muita luta e muita garra

Eng: With a lot of struggle and a lot of determination

1:20 - Me tornei um guerreiro de Zumbi

Eng: I became a zombie warrior

1:23 - Ao passar do tempo

Eng: Over time

1:25 - Pra fazenda eu retornei

Eng: I returned to the farm

1:27 - Soltei todos os escravos

Eng: I released all the slaves

1:29 - E as senzalas eu queimei

Eng: And the slave quarters I burned

1:33 - A liberdade

Eng: The Liberty

1:34 - Não tava escrita em papel

Eng: It wasn't written on paper

1:37 - Nem foi dada por princesa

Eng: Nor was it given by princess

1:39 - Cujo nome Isabel

Eng: Whose name Isabel

1:42 - A liberdade

Eng: The Liberty

1:44 - Foi feita com sangue e muita dor

Eng: It was made with blood and a lot of pain

1:46 - Muitas lutas e batalhas

Eng: Many fights and battles

1:49 - Foi o que nos despertou

Eng: That's what woke us up

1:50 - Sou Guerreiro do Quilombo Quilombola

Eng: I'm a Quilombo Warrior Quilombola

1:54 - Lê lê lê ô

Eng: Read reads read ô

1:55 - Eu sou Negro dos Bantos de Angola

Eng: I am Negro of the Bantos of Angola

1:58 - Negro nagô

Eng: Negro Nagô

2:00 - Sou Guerreiro do Quilombo Quilombola

Eng: I'm a Quilombo Warrior Quilombola

2:03 - Lê lê lê ô

Eng: Read reads read ô

2:04 - Eu sou Negro dos Bantos de Angola

Eng: I am Negro of the Bantos of Angola

2:08 - Negro nagô

Eng: Negro Nagô

2:09 - Sou Guerreiro do Quilombo Quilombola

Eng: I'm a Quilombo Warrior Quilombola

2:13 - Lê lê lê ô

Eng: Read reads read ô

2:14 - Eu sou Negro dos Bantos de Angola

Eng: I am Negro of the Bantos of Angola

2:17 - Negro nagô

Eng: Negro Nagô

2:19 - Sou Guerreiro do Quilombo Quilombola

Eng: I'm a Quilombo Warrior Quilombola

2:22 - Lê lê lê ô

Eng: Read reads read ô

2:23 - Eu sou Negro dos Bantos de Angola

Eng: I am Negro of the Bantos of Angola

2:27 - Negro nagô

Eng: Negro Nagô

2:29 - Eeeeeeeeeee

Eng: Eeeeeeeeeee

History and sentiment behind song

Escaped slaves gathered and established primitive remote settlements called quilombos. Some quilombos grew, attracting more fugitive slaves, Brazilian natives and even Europeans escaping the law, and some became independent multi-ethnic states.

Life in a quilombo offered freedom and the opportunity to revive traditional cultures away from colonial oppression. In this multi-ethnic environment, constantly threatened by colonial attack, capoeira evolved into a martial art focused on war.

The biggest quilombo, the Quilombo dos Palmares, consisted of many villages which lasted more than a century, resisting at least 24 small attacks and 18 colonial invasions. Portuguese soldiers sometimes said that it took more than one dragoon to capture a quilombo warrior, since they would defend themselves with a strangely moving fighting technique. The provincial governor declared «it is harder to defeat a quilombo than the Dutch invaders.»

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