Mestre Eziquiel Regional

Background, Style, History and Affiliations

Mestre Eziquiel
Affiliated School or Organisation

Capoeira Luanda (Founder)

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Mestre Eziquiel

Eziquiel Martins Marinho (1941-1997) is known in the Capoeira community as Mestre Eziquel. He started to practice Capoeria at childhood and reached the blue cord as a student and Formando of Mestre Bimba, Mestre Eziquel was brought to Mestre Bimba’s Capoeira academy by Sacy in the early sixties. As a successor of Mestre Bimba, Mestre Eziquel spread the Capoeira by the path and ideology of his predecessor. While starting his teaching career, Mestre Eziquel trained the police (Polícia Militar Baiana) in the art of Capoeira, and when Mestre Bimba leaved to Goiânia (1972) he got the responsibility to Mestre Bimba’s academy in the Terreiro de Jesus together with Mestre Vermelho. Later on Mestre Eziquel opened his own Capoeira group – “Luanda” with Mestre Franklin. Mestre Eziquel took part at many Afro-Brazilian folklore groups, he used those groups to introduced the Afro-Brazilian culture to the public. His Capoeira group “Luanda” alos preformed Maculele, Samba de Roda and Puxada de Rede and not only Capoeira.

Song authored by Mestre Eziquiel

Card image

Toda Bahia Chorou

Style: Corridos


Toque: Not set

Lalaue Lyric video: Yes

Author: Mestre Eziquiel

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