Chamado De Angola

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

Chamado De Angola

Author: Mestre Boa Voz

Song Lyrics

0:20 - Chama eu, chama eu

Eng: Call me, call me

0:27 - Chama eu, Angola chama eu

Eng: Call me, Angola call me

0:34 - Chama eu, chama eu

Eng: Call me, call me

0:42 - Chama eu, Angola chama eu

Eng: Call me, Angola call me

0:48 - Numa viagem pra África

Eng: On a trip to Africa

0:51 - Oi numa viagem pra África

Eng: Hi on a trip to Africa

0:54 - O meu mestre esteve lá

Eng: My master was there

0:59 - Em busca dos fundamentos

Eng: In search of the fundamentals

1:03 - Da nossa capoeira

Eng: From our capoeira

1:05 - Ô chama eu

Eng: Call me

1:08 - Chama eu, chama eu

Eng: Call me, call me

1:15 - Chama eu, Angola chama eu

Eng: Call me, Angola call me

1:22 - Chama eu, chama eu

Eng: Call me, call me

1:30 - Chama eu, Angola chama eu

Eng: Call me, Angola call me

1:36 - Vi falar do embondeiro

Eng: I saw talking about the baobab

1:39 - Que faz casa pra morar

Eng: That makes home to live

1:43 - Falar dos negros cuanhama

Eng: Talking about blacks cuanhama

1:46 - É uma tribo que tem lá

Eng: It is a tribe that has there

1:49 - Ô chama eu

Eng: Call me

1:52 - Chama eu, chama eu

Eng: Call me, call me

1:59 - Chama eu, Angola chama eu

Eng: Call me, Angola call me

2:06 - Chama eu, chama eu

Eng: Call me, call me

2:14 - Chama eu, Angola chama eu

Eng: Call me, Angola call me

2:20 - O dinheiro é o kuanza

Eng: Money is kuanza

2:24 - O Qimbundo é pra falar

Eng: Qimbundo is for talking

2:27 - Capoeira vai crescendo

Eng: Capoeira grows

2:31 - Bassula pra derrubar

Eng: Bassula to take down

2:34 - Ô chama eu

Eng: Call me

2:36 - Chama eu, chama eu

Eng: Call me, call me

2:43 - Chama eu, Angola chama eu

Eng: Call me, Angola call me

2:51 - Chama eu, chama eu

Eng: Call me, call me

2:58 - Chama eu, Angola chama eu

Eng: Call me, Angola call me

3:04 - Canta Dionísio Rocha

Eng: Sings Dionísio Rocha

3:08 - Diferente no cantar

Eng: Different in singing

3:11 - O povo diz pagimne

Eng: The people say pagimne

3:15 - Pedindo paz pro lugar

Eng: Asking for peace

3:18 - Ô chama eu

Eng: Call me

3:21 - Chama eu, chama eu

Eng: Call me, call me

3:28 - Chama eu, Angola chama eu

Eng: Call me, Angola call me

3:35 - Chama eu, chama eu

Eng: Call me, call me

3:43 - Chama eu, Angola chama eu

Eng: Call me, Angola call me

3:48 - Muchima é coração

Eng: Muchima is heart

3:52 - Que bate forte ao chegar

Eng: That hits hard when arriving

3:56 - Parece que diz baixinho

Eng: Looks like it says softly

4:00 - Me leve um pouco pra lá

Eng: Take me there a little

4:02 - Ô chama eu

Eng: Call me

4:05 - Chama eu, chama eu

Eng: Call me, call me

4:12 - Chama eu, Angola chama eu

Eng: Call me, Angola call me

4:19 - Chama eu, chama eu

Eng: Call me, call me

4:27 - Chama eu, Angola chama eu

Eng: Call me, Angola call me

4:33 - Cabeçada é quitunga

Eng: Bridle and quitunga

4:36 - Luanda é a capital

Eng: Luanda is the capital

4:40 - Atabaque é ningoma

Eng: Atabaque is ningoma

4:44 - Hungo vira berimbau

Eng: Hungo becomes berimbau

4:47 - Ô chama eu

Eng: Call me

4:49 - Chama eu, chama eu

Eng: Call me, call me

4:57 - Chama eu, Angola chama eu

Eng: Call me, Angola call me

5:04 - Chama eu, chama eu

Eng: Call me, call me

5:12 - Chama eu, Angola chama eu

Eng: Call me, Angola call me

5:17 - Negro nascido na terra

Eng: Black born on earth

5:20 - Não pode no chão pisar

Eng: Can't step on the floor

5:24 - Pode ser campo minado

Eng: Can be minefield

5:28 - A guerra ainda ta lá

Eng: The war is still there

5:31 - Ô chama eu

Eng: Call me

5:33 - Chama eu, chama eu

Eng: Call me, call me

5:40 - Chama eu, Angola chama eu

Eng: Call me, Angola call me

5:48 - Chama eu, chama eu

Eng: Call me, call me

5:56 - Chama eu, Angola chama eu

Eng: Call me, Angola call me

6:01 - O tempo lá vai rolando

Eng: Time goes on there

6:05 - Quem manda em mim é Deus

Eng: God is in charge of me

6:09 - Quando ele me abençoar

Eng: When he blesses me

6:12 - Eu vou lá te conhecer

Eng: I'm going to meet you

6:15 - Ô chama eu

Eng: Call me

6:18 - Chama eu, chama eu

Eng: Call me, call me

6:25 - Chama eu, Angola chama eu

Eng: Call me, Angola call me

6:32 - Chama eu, chama eu

Eng: Call me, call me

6:40 - Chama eu, Angola chama eu

Eng: Call me, Angola call me

History and sentiment behind song

Chamada means ‘call’ and can happen at any time during a roda where the rhythm angola is being played. It happens when one player, usually the more advanced one, calls his or her opponent to a dance-like ritual. The opponent then approaches the caller and meets him or her to walk side by side. After it both resume normal play.

While it may seem like a break time or a dance, the chamada is actually both a trap and a test, as the caller is just watching to see if the opponent will let his guard down so she can perform a takedown or a strike. It is a critical situation, because both players are vulnerable due to the close proximity and potential for a surprise attack. It’s also a tool for experienced practitioners and masters of the art to test a student’s awareness and demonstrate when the student left herself open to attack.

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