Tutorials, Step By Step guide, Tips & Follow Along Video
Translates as 'Scissors.'
Move Background
The idea is to trap the other player between your legs and lever him over.
Step by step guide
Step with your left foot beside your partner's right foot and cross your other leg behind.
This resembles the initial Vingativa position except that your legs get crossed and you plant your feet just the other way round.
Your upper body is facing rather downwards, but your head keeps looking at the opponent.
The right hand stays firmly on the ground, the left hand can be also put down if you prefer.
Get really close to your partner's leg, because the throw works better when performed with the thighs rather than with the lower legs.
Once you are properly aligned, throw your left arm fiercely around.
This should make your upper body and finally your hips and legs rotate to your left (counter-clockwise).
Now your partner should start to fall over behind. Rotate further on until your left hand touches the ground.
Lift off your right hand and do the rolĂȘ over your partner's stomach.
If he struggling to get free you may nail him with your left knee in his belly and fake a knee strike (right leg) at his face.
The player who gets thrown with a Tesoura is advised to make the fall as soft as possible and to cross his arms in some distance in front of his face because of a possible incoming Joelhada (knee blow).