Gancho Giratoria

Level: Advanced | Style: Contemporânea

Tutorials, Step By Step guide, Tips & Follow Along Video

Spinning hook kick.

Step by step guide

  • A spinning version of the gancho.
  • It starts out like a spinning chapa but deceptively lashes out and hooks around in the same manner as the gancho.

Variations on Chapa

Learn Capoeira Move Chapa

Style: Mixed Style
Level: Intermediate
Category : Kicks

Learn Capoeira Move Chapa Baixa
Chapa Baixa

Style: Mixed Style
Level: Intermediate
Category : Kicks

Learn Capoeira Move Chapa de Costas
Chapa De Costas

Style: Mixed Style
Level: Beginner
Category : Kicks

Learn Capoeira Move Chapa de Frente
Chapa De Frente

Style: Mixed Style
Level: Intermediate
Category : Kicks

Learn Capoeira Move Chapa Giratoria
Chapa Giratoria

Style: Mixed Style
Level: Intermediate
Category : Kicks

Learn Capoeira Move Gancho

Style: Mixed Style
Level: Intermediate
Category : Kicks

Learn Capoeira Move Pisào

Style: Mixed Style
Level: Intermediate
Category : Kicks

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