Mestre Tucano Preto Mixed Style

Background, Style, History and Affiliations

Mestre Tucano Preto

Mestre Tucano Preto was born as Ricardo Laercio de Oliveira in São Paulo, the 19th of August 1972. His first experience with capoeira and Afro-Brazilian culture was through his uncle Simonal Silva. He started training capoeira in an academy in 1980 with Mestre Pato who was from the south of Bahia.

In São Paulo he distinguished himself at a young age by winning the championship of the São Paulo Capoeira Federation (Federação Paulista de Capoeira) in both 1989 and 1990.

While a participant of A.B.A.D.Á Capoeira due to talent and hard training he rapidly grew towards the highest ranks of the group. In 1997 he became world champion at the first world games of Abadá, who are held each odd year and in 1999 he received the title for a second time. Even though at this event only people of Abadá Capoeira could participate, Abadá was the capoeira group with the biggest number of members in the world with more than 20.000 member at the time.

During this time he travelled to various countries to give workshops and shows including: England, Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, Poland, Switserland, Austria, Israel, South Africa, Angola, Corea and Holland, where I've got to know him in 1998.

In 2003 he became a mestrando, the second highest rank within his former group.

In 2006 he created his own group: Abassá Dendê Maruô: Centro Intergrado de Capoeira. Nowadays called Centro Brasileiro de Capoeira

Except for his level of game within the roda, he is also known for creating several songs, which are sung by various capoeira groups in the world. He participated in the recording of different CDs and also published his own CDs lateron.

Song authored by Mestre Tucano Preto

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Nordeste De Amaralina

Style: Corridos


Toque: Not set

Lalaue Lyric video: No

Author: Mestre Tucano Preto

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Pedra Bruta Lapidada

Style: Corridos


Toque: Not set

Lalaue Lyric video: No

Author: Mestre Tucano Preto

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