Ladeira Do Pelourinho

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

Ladeira Do Pelourinho

Author: Mestre Jogo de Dentro

Song Lyrics

0:31 - Ladeira do Pelourinho

Eng: At the slope of Pelourinho

0:35 - Ladeira do Pelourinho, ora meu Deus

Eng: At the slope of Pelourinho,oh my God

0:37 - Onde eu comecei a andar

Eng: Where I started walking

0:41 - No Forte Santo Antônio

Eng: At Fortress Santo Antônio

0:44 - Eu comecei praticar

Eng: I started practicing

0:48 - A Capoeira de Angola

Eng: The Capoeira Angola

0:51 - João Pequeno táva lá

Eng: João Pequeno was there

0:54 - Os turistos todos os dias

Eng: The daily tourists

0:58 - Iam nos prestigiar

Eng: Appreciating us

1:01 - O governador vendo isso

Eng: The governor seeing this

1:04 - Tratou logo de acabar

Eng: Command to end this soon

1:07 - Vendo Capoeira Angola

Eng: Viewing Capoeira Angola

1:11 - Era dança de matar

Eng: Like it was dance of kill

1:14 - Olha, eu disse, governador

Eng: Look, I said, Governor

1:17 - Não faça isso mais não

Eng: Don’t do it no more

1:20 - Capoeira de Angola é

Eng: Capoeira Angola is

1:24 - Uma grande tradição

Eng: A great tradition

1:27 - Quando eu pego na viola

Eng: When I picked up my viola

1:29 - ora meu Deus

Eng: oh my God

1:30 - Dói até meu coração

Eng: It hurts my heart

1:33 - E o jogo de Capoeira

Eng: And the game of Capoeira

1:36 - É um jogo de irmão

Eng: It is a game of brothers

1:39 - Quando eu entro na roda

Eng: When I enter the roda

1:43 - Não tem agressão

Eng: Has no aggression

1:46 - Eu jogo a Capoeira

Eng: I play Capoeira

1:49 - Do fundo do meu coração

Eng: From the bottom of my heart

1:52 - Agradeço a meu Deus

Eng: I thank my God

1:55 - E ao Mestre João

Eng: And the Master Joao

1:58 - Por me ensinar a Capoeira

Eng: For teach me Capoeira

2:01 - Com toda dedicação

Eng: With all the dedication

2:04 - Camará

Eng: Friend

2:06 - Ie Viva meu deus…

Eng: Ie Long live my master

2:08 - Ie Viva meu deus…

Eng: Ie Long live my master

2:10 - Camará

Eng: Friend

History and sentiment behind song

“Pelourinho” means pillory, and Salvador’s pelourinho last stood at the top of the sloping Largo do Pelourinho, final point in a journey which began in the city’s first open market in the Praça da Feira (today known as Praça Municipal — the open square at the top of the Elevador Lacerda). The pelourinho stood at the market’s center. Salvador is the capital of Bahia, whose large bay and proximity to Africa made it a major port for the slave trade. The descendants of slaves have taken over this symbolic spot, an entry point for African culture in the New World.

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