Mandingueiro Era Manduca Da Praia

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

Mandingueiro Era Manduca Da Praia

Author: Mestre Coreba

Author: Mestre Coreba

Song Lyrics

0:10 - Mandingueiro era Manduca da Praia

Eng: Mandingueiro was Manduca da Praia

0:14 - Mandingueiro era Manduca da Praia

Eng: Mandingueiro was Manduca da Praia

0:19 - Le le le le le le le le la la la la

Eng: Le le le le le le le le la la la la

0:23 - Le le le le le le le le la la la la

Eng: Le le le le le le le le la la la la

0:27 - Mandingueiro era Manduca da Praia

Eng: Mandingueiro was Manduca da Praia

0:32 - Mandingueiro era Manduca da Praia

Eng: Mandingueiro was Manduca da Praia

0:35 - Começou sua carreira lá no Lavadinho,

Eng: He started his career at Lavadinho,

0:37 - Dentro do curral com touro bravio,

Eng: Inside the corral with a wild bull,

0:39 - Homem de negócios da freguesia de São José,

Eng: Business man from the parish of São José,

0:43 - Tinha uma banca, uma banca de peixe,

Eng: There was a stall, a fish stall,

0:46 - Lá no mercado perto do seu zé,

Eng: There at the market near your zé,

0:48 - Manduca da Praia era homem brigão,

Eng: Manduca da Praia was a tough man,

0:50 - Alto pardo, forte e valentao,

Eng: Tall brown, strong and valued,

0:52 - Feriu muita gente, leve e suavemente,

Eng: He hurt many people, lightly and gently,

0:54 - De todos processos, ele se safou, mandingueiro!

Eng: Of all the lawsuits, he got away with it, mandingueiro!

0:57 - Mandingueiro era Manduca da Praia

Eng: Mandingueiro was Manduca da Praia

1:00 - Mandingueiro

Eng: Mandingueiro

1:01 - Mandingueiro era Manduca da Praia

Eng: Mandingueiro was Manduca da Praia

1:04 - Oi destro como uma sombra de todos

Eng: Hi right handed like a shadow of all

1:06 - Os processos ele se safou, mandingueiro

Eng: The processes he got away with, mandingueiro

1:09 - Mandingueiro era Manduca da Praia

Eng: Mandingueiro was Manduca da Praia

1:12 - Nas eleições de São José ouviu-se gritos e correrias

Eng: In the elections in São José there were screams and running

1:17 - Manduca na briga com cinco Romeiros armados de pau

Eng: Manduca in the fight with five pilgrims armed with sticks

1:20 - Deu cabeçada gingou deu armada

Eng: He gave a headbutt, he swung, he gave an armada

1:23 - Levou uma paulada se desnorteou

Eng: Took a stick and got bewildered

1:26 - Desceu na rasteira subiu na ponteira e saiu vencedor, mandingueiro

Eng: He went down in the rasteira, he went up to the pointer and came out the winner, mandingueiro

1:29 - Mandingueiro era Manduca da Praia

Eng: Mandingueiro was Manduca da Praia

1:32 - Mandingueiro

Eng: Mandingueiro

1:33 - Mandingueiro era Manduca da Praia

Eng: Mandingueiro was Manduca da Praia

1:37 - Destro como uma sombra de todos os processos ele se safou, mandigueiro

Eng: Dexterous as a shadow of all processes he got away, mandigueiro

1:41 - Mandingueiro era Manduca da Praia

Eng: Mandingueiro was Manduca da Praia

1:44 - De andar compassado, olhar confiado causava temor, mandingueiro

Eng: From a paced walk, a confident look caused fear, mandingueiro

1:48 - Mandingueiro era Manduca da Praia

Eng: Mandingueiro was Manduca da Praia

1:51 - Na cidade nova no Rio De Janeiro

Eng: In the new city in Rio De Janeiro

1:54 - Chegou um homem de Portugal

Eng: A man from Portugal arrived

1:56 - Um deputado chamado Santana Invencível brigão, jogador de pau

Eng: A deputy named Santana Invincible brawler, stick player

2:00 - Procurou o Manduca o desafiou, Manduca é claro que aceitou

Eng: He looked for Manduca and challenged him, Manduca of course accepted

2:04 - No final desse conto, com muito desconto

Eng: At the end of this tale, with a lot of discount

2:06 - Fiquei sabendo que Manduca ganhou, mandingueiro

Eng: I heard that Manduca won, mandingueiro

2:09 - Mandingueiro era Manduca da Praia

Eng: Mandingueiro was Manduca da Praia

2:12 - Mandingueiro

Eng: Mandingueiro

2:14 - Mandingueiro era Manduca da Praia

Eng: Mandingueiro was Manduca da Praia

2:17 - Chapéu de castor, gravata de cor Manduca usou, mandingueiro

Eng: Beaver hat, Manduca color tie, mandingueiro

2:21 - Mandingueiro era Manduca da Praia

Eng: Mandingueiro was Manduca da Praia

2:24 - Mandingueiro

Eng: Mandingueiro

2:25 - Mandingueiro era Manduca da Praia

Eng: Mandingueiro was Manduca da Praia

History and sentiment behind song

Manduca da Praia didn’t just get the title of tough guy (valentão) for his fighting ability, but also for his love of running with the bulls, at which he was unrivalled.

During this era, capoeiristas were usually members of gangs (maltas), that often worked as hired heavies for the highest bidder, but Manduca was always his own free agent. Once in a while he’d work as a bodyguard, thanks to his renown as a great fighter, but this was more for pleasure than necessity, as he was a successful businessman in his own right.

Always dressed to impress, with his leather jacket, hat, pocket watch with gold chain, smart shoes and cane. At first glance he might appear like any privileged dandy, but his cunning, strength and agility made him a fighter without equal.

He was skilled with a razor blade, popular with the capoeira gangs at the time, a knife, and his “walking” cane, which accompanied him at all time. It’s reported that he had to respond to 27 legal proceedings for grievous bodily harm, but always got off scot free thanks to the influence of some of his well connected associates.

He was a player, and never missed out on a good party. One time, in one of the popular religious festivals of the city, he ended up fighting with a group of pilgrims and leaving them all unconscious – he was not the right person to annoy!

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