Capoeira Me Chama

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

Capoeira Me Chama

Song Lyrics

0:12 - Capoeira me chama

Eng: Capoeira calls me

0:18 - E eu vou atender

Eng: And I'll attend

0:23 - Entro na roda sem medo

Eng: I enter the roda without fear

0:28 - Com malícia e segredo

Eng: With malice and secrecy

0:35 - Pronto pra me defender

Eng: Ready to defend myself

0:45 - Capoeira me chama

Eng: Capoeira calls me

0:50 - E eu vou atender

Eng: And I'll attend

0:54 - Entro na roda sem medo

Eng: I enter the roda without fear

0:57 - Com malícia e segredo

Eng: With malice and secrecy

1:00 - Pronto pra me defender

Eng: Ready to defend myself

1:05 - Com um pouco de molejo

Eng: With a bit of rhythm

1:08 - Vou de encontro ao berimbau

Eng: I meet the berimbau

1:11 - Quem não sabe agora aprende

Eng: Who does not know, learns now

1:14 - É o arame, a cabaça e um pedaço de pau

Eng: It's the wire, the gourd and a stick

1:19 - Iê aaaaa, iê ooooo

Eng: Iê aaaaa, iê ooooo

1:25 - Capoeira me chama da licença meu senhor

Eng: Capoeira calls me, excuse me sir

1:31 - Iê aaaaa, iê ooooo

Eng: Iê aaaaa, iê ooooo

1:37 - Capoeira me chama da licença meu senhor

Eng: Capoeira calls me, excuse me sir

1:43 - Você dança e se defende

Eng: You dance and and defend yourself

1:46 - Nesta ginga original

Eng: In this original ginga

1:49 - Que mexe tanto com a gente

Eng: That moves so much with us

1:52 - Envolvendo até a mente

Eng: Involving even the mind

1:55 - Na origem mundial

Eng: In the world's origin

1:59 - Iê aaaaa, iê ooooo

Eng: Iê aaaaa, iê ooooo

2:05 - Capoeira me chama da licença meu senhor

Eng: Capoeira calls me, excuse me sir

2:12 - Iê aaaaa, iê ooooo

Eng: Iê aaaaa, iê ooooo

2:18 - Capoeira me chama da licença meu senhor!

Eng: Capoeira calls me, excuse me sir!

2:24 - Capoeira me chama…

Eng: Capoeira calls me...

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