A Canoa Virou, Marinheiro

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

A Canoa Virou, Marinheiro

Author: Mestre Suassuna

Author: Mestre Suassuna

Song Lyrics

0:04 - A canoa virou, marinheiro

Eng: The canoe has capsized, sailor

0:07 - No fundo do mar tem dinheiro

Eng: At the bottom of the sea there is money

0:10 - A canoa virou, marinheiro

Eng: The canoe has capsized, sailor

0:12 - Ê mas no fundo do mar tem dinheiro

Eng: Yeah, but at the bottom of the sea there's money

0:16 - A canoa virou, marinheiro

Eng: The canoe has capsized, sailor

0:18 - Ê mas no fundo do mar tem dinheiro

Eng: Yeah, but at the bottom of the sea there's money

0:21 - A canoa virou, marinheiro

Eng: The canoe has capsized, sailor

0:24 - Ê mas no fundo do mar tem dinheiro

Eng: Yeah, but at the bottom of the sea there's money

0:27 - A canoa virou, marinheiro

Eng: The canoe has capsized, sailor

0:29 - Ê mas no fundo do mar tem dinheiro

Eng: Yeah, but at the bottom of the sea there's money

0:32 - A canoa virou, marinheiro

Eng: The canoe has capsized, sailor

0:35 - Ê mas no fundo do mar tem dinheiro

Eng: Yeah, but at the bottom of the sea there's money

History and sentiment behind song

The song refers to a canoe that has been capsized, but how in misfortune there is sometimes luck.'A Canoa Virou, Marinheiro' expresses that in every disaster there is the opportunity to look on the bottom of the sea for sunken treasure.

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