Balança Que Pesa Ouro

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

Balança Que Pesa Ouro

Author: Mestre Pernalonga

Song Lyrics

0:29 - Balança que pesa ouro

Eng: A scale that weighs gold

0:32 - Não é pra pesar metal

Eng: Isn’t meant for weighing metal

0:35 - Tem passarinho pequeno

Eng: There are small birds

0:37 - Que mata cobra coral

Eng: That kill coral snakes

0:40 - Balança que pesa ouro

Eng: A scale that weighs gold

0:43 - Não é pra pesar metal

Eng: Isn’t meant for weighing metal

0:46 - Tem passarinho pequeno

Eng: There are small birds

0:48 - Que mata cobra coral

Eng: That kill coral snakes

0:51 - Balança que pesa ouro

Eng: Isn’t meant for weighing metal

0:53 - Não é pra pesar metal

Eng: Isn’t meant for weighing metal

0:56 - Tem passarinho pequeno

Eng: I’m not the owner of the world

0:59 - Que mata cobra coral

Eng: But I am the owner’s son

1:01 - Balança que pesa ouro

Eng: Isn’t meant for weighing metal

1:04 - Não é pra pesar metal

Eng: Isn’t meant for weighing metal

1:07 - Tem passarinho pequeno

Eng: There are small birds

1:10 - Que mata cobra coral

Eng: That kill coral snakes

1:12 - Boi com sede bebe lama

Eng: A thirsty steer will drink mud

1:14 - Barriga vazia não dá sono

Eng: An empty stomach brings no sleep

1:17 - Eu não sou dono do mundo

Eng: I’m not the owner of the world

1:20 - Mas eu sou filho dono

Eng: And I land in the same place

1:23 - Balança que pesa ouro

Eng: A scale that weighs gold

1:26 - Não é pra pesar metal

Eng: I’m not the owner of the world

History and sentiment behind song

The song uses metaphor as a warning not to be too quick to judge other capoeiristas by their appearance. “Balança que pesa ouro, não é pra pesar metal” is a way of saying that you “Shouldn’t judge everyone by the same yardstick“. “Tem passarinho pequeno que mata cobra coral” means “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover / appearances can be deceiving”.

The chorus's premise is to never underestimate the other player in the roda. They may seem smaller or weaker, but they might still have a very dangerous game!

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