Tutorials, Step By Step guide, Tips & Follow Along Video
Also known as Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, this asana opens up the chest and shoulder muscles and stretches the abdominal and hip flexors.
Move Background
This move is an invigorating backbend that opens the chest and shoulders and strengthens the arms and legs. It’s central to Sun Salutations and is practiced repeatedly between other postures in flow classes. Linking breath to movement is important when you’re practicing Up Dog, because the breath animates and illuminates the pose and opens the heart.
This asana opens up the chest and shoulder muscles and stretches the abdominal and hip flexors.
Step by step guide
Lie face down on the floor.
Bend your elbows and place in line with lower rib case.
Reach back through your and pull yourself forward and upwards and straighten your arms.
Lift thighs and knees away from the floor and do a pushup keeping your chest wide.
To come out, as you exhale, lower yourself down to the floor or lift yourself into Downward Facing Dog pose.