Tutorials, Step By Step guide, Tips & Follow Along Video
Also known as Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana will build strength in the legs and ankles, stretch the groins, spine, waist and shoulders, and stimulate the abdominal organs.
Move Background
This asymmetrical body position promotes strength from toes to fingertips, especially in the legs, pelvis and lower back. It also increases flexibility and promotes balance equanimity. Good for "armada", "queixado" ,"Cocorinha" etc...
Step by step guide
Begin in standing up.
Lift the left foot up and take hold of the big toe with the first two fingers and thumb of the left hand.
If you have to lean forward to get this grip wrap a strap around the foot and hold onto it with the left hand. Take care not to tense the shoulder or neck. Keep your back straight.
Place your right hand on your right hip.
Keep the torso long and upright as you slowly take the left knee to its full extension, flexing your ankle and pushing through the ball and toes. Take care not to hyper extend the knee.
Root through the balls of the feet and the big toe of the standing leg. Stay here for a few breaths.
Exhale and slowly extend the left leg out to the side.
Keep the gaze forward or if your balance is good, look to the left and breathe smoothly.
Stay here for 5 to 10 breaths. To come out, inhale and bring the left leg back to the front. Exhaling release the grip and lower the foot to the floor.