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Au de frente is another variation of au that moves forwards instead of side to side.
Move Background
Doing a cartwheel forwards differs from normal cartwheels in that your hips need to face the direction you move in. In a forwards cartwheel, the hips face the direction you will move in. This change in starting position, make the landing a bit trickers. Most people having difficulty with their landing due to poor hip-flexor and thoracic extension. The more you are able to work on flexibility in these areas, the easier the landing will be.
Step by step guide
This move ties in very well with many of the circular kicks.
Combining au de frente after a kick like armada, meia lua de frente, queixada, or meia lua de compasso is common.
This is a great combination that can be used in many middle and fast paced games.
One difficulty people have when doing this au is not being able to land without falling on their butt.
Most of the time, the reason this happens is that you’re not able to keep the landing leg straight and extend the hips up sufficiently.
When people are scared, they tend to drop their hips, crumpling up their bodies.
This is a response that you have to fight when doing this movement. It is recommended to try au de frente on a downhill. Using the downhill allows you to drop your hips slightly and still completely the movement.