Apelidos were used to disguise a capoeirista’s identity, when the practice was outlawed, along with many other traditions, practices and religions of african origin such as Candomblé.
Nickname. It is common for capoeiristas to be known by a nickname. In some groups, students receive their nicknames at their batizado (baptism); in others, the nickname is given at any time during the capoeirista’s training, whenever an appropriate name arises. A nickname may describe a person’s physical appearance or personality, and it may be complimentary or mocking. Many of the famous capoeiristas of the past were known by nicknames such as Sete Mortes (Seven Deaths), Besouro (Beetle), Traíra (Traitor), Querido de Deus (Loved by God), Cobrinha Verde (Little Green Snake), Madame Satã (Madamme Satan). Nicknames of some of today’s mestres include: Curió (Songbird), Jogo de Dentro (Inside Game), Camisa (Shirt), Cobra Mansa (Tame Snake), and Acordeon (Accordeon).