Salve O Maculelê

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

Salve O Maculelê

Song Lyrics

0:08 - Oi Salve salve o Maculelê

Eng: Hey Save Save Maculelê

0:11 - A dança guerreira do negro canaveiro

Eng: The warrior dance of the black canaveiro

0:14 - Oi Salve salve o Maculelê

Eng: Hey Save Save Maculelê

0:17 - A dança guerreira do negro canaveiro

Eng: The warrior dance of the black canaveiro

0:20 - Maculelê que e dança guerreira

Eng: Maculelê that is warrior dance

0:23 - Virou folclore nessa terra Brasileira

Eng: Became folklore in this Brazilian land

0:26 - Maculelê que e dança guerreira

Eng: Maculelê that is warrior dance

0:29 - Virou folclore nessa terra Brasileira

Eng: Became folklore in this Brazilian land

0:32 - Oi Salve salve o Maculelê

Eng: Hey Save Save Maculelê

0:35 - A dança guerreira do negro canaveiro

Eng: The warrior dance of the black canaveiro

0:38 - Oi Salve salve o Maculelê

Eng: Hey Save Save Maculelê

0:41 - A dança guerreira do negro canaveiro

Eng: The warrior dance of the black canaveiro

0:44 - Nego fugia da Senzala

Eng: Nego fled the Senzala

0:46 - Formando quilombo dentro das nossas matas

Eng: Forming quilombo within our forests

0:50 - Nego fugia da Senzala

Eng: Nego fled the Senzala

0:52 - Formando quilombo dentro das nossas matas

Eng: Forming quilombo within our forests

0:55 - Oi Salve salve o Maculelê

Eng: Hey Save Save Maculelê

0:58 - A dança guerreira do negro canaveiro

Eng: The warrior dance of the black canaveiro

1:01 - Oi Salve salve o Maculelê

Eng: Hey Save Save Maculelê

1:04 - A dança guerreira do negro canaveiro

Eng: The warrior dance of the black canaveiro

1:07 - Nego dançava Maculelê

Eng: Nego danced Maculelê

1:10 - Para aliviar as dores do cativeiro

Eng: To relieve the pain of captivity

1:13 - Nego dançava Maculelê

Eng: Nego danced Maculelê

1:16 - Para aliviar as dores do cativeiro

Eng: To relieve the pain of captivity

1:19 - Oi Salve salve o Maculelê

Eng: Hey Save Save Maculelê

1:22 - A dança guerreira do negro canaveiro

Eng: The warrior dance of the black canaveiro

1:25 - Oi Salve salve o Maculelê

Eng: Hey Save Save Maculelê

1:28 - A dança guerreira do negro canaveiro

Eng: The warrior dance of the black canaveiro

1:31 - Oi Salve salve o Maculelê

Eng: Hey Save Save Maculelê

1:34 - A dança guerreira do negro canaveiro

Eng: The warrior dance of the black canaveiro

1:37 - Oi Salve salve o Maculelê

Eng: Hey Save Save Maculelê

History and sentiment behind song

Escaped slaves gathered and established primitive remote settlements called quilombos. Some quilombos grew, attracting more fugitive slaves, Brazilian natives and even Europeans escaping the law, and some became independent multi-ethnic states.

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