Lei Aurea

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

Song Lyrics

0:02 - Ma ta rala la serra perto do canavial

Eng: Ma ta rala la serra near the cane field

0:05 - Sua beleza também é sua defesa

Eng: Your beauty is also your defense

0:07 - Essa arte brasileira

Eng: This Brazilian art

0:09 - Encheu os olhos da princesa

Eng: Filled the princess's eyes

0:11 - Lei áurea ae oo Lei Áurea a

Eng: Golden Law a and oo Golden Law a

0:16 - Lei áurea ae oo Lei Áurea a

Eng: Golden Law a and oo Golden Law a

0:21 - Lei áurea ae oo Lei Áurea a

Eng: Golden Law a and oo Golden Law a

0:27 - Lei áurea ae oo Lei Áurea a

Eng: Golden Law a and oo Golden Law a

0:32 - Leva mensagem

Eng: Take message

0:33 - Que é através do meu lamento

Eng: That is through my regret

0:34 - Se você tem um bom senso

Eng: If you have a good sense

0:36 - Vai para pra me escutar

Eng: Go to listen to me

0:38 - Vem acuado e só vivia pelos cantos

Eng: Come cornered and only lived in the corners

0:40 - Dependeu de papel branco

Eng: Depended on white paper

0:41 - Pra poder se libertar

Eng: To be able to break free

0:43 - Lei áurea ae oo Lei Áurea a

Eng: Golden Law a and oo Golden Law a

0:48 - Lei áurea ae oo Lei Áurea a

Eng: Golden Law a and oo Golden Law a

0:54 - Lei áurea ae oo Lei Áurea a

Eng: Golden Law a and oo Golden Law a

0:59 - Lei áurea ae oo Lei Áurea a

Eng: Golden Law a and oo Golden Law a

1:05 - É uma princesa que chamava Isabel

Eng: It's a princess who called Isabel

1:07 - Que depois foi acusada

Eng: Who was later accused

1:08 - De dormir com o negão

Eng: Sleeping with the nigga

1:10 - Quebra a corrente

Eng: Breaks the chain

1:11 - Abre as portas da Senzala

Eng: Opens the doors of Senzala

1:12 - Vai te embora, corre escravo

Eng: Go away, run slave

1:13 - Não fuja mais pra escuridão

Eng: Don't run away to darkness anymore

1:16 - Lei áurea ae oo Lei Áurea a

Eng: Golden Law a and oo Golden Law a

1:21 - Lei áurea ae oo Lei Áurea a

Eng: Golden Law a and oo Golden Law a

1:26 - Quando amanhece

Eng: When dawn

1:27 - O nego ja tava longe

Eng: The nigger was already far away

1:28 - Quando o sol vem da notícia

Eng: When the sun comes from the news

1:30 - O escravo se libertou

Eng: The slave broke free

1:32 - Volta pra casa

Eng: Come back home

1:33 - Pra junto da sua família

Eng: To your family

1:34 - Não tem mais escravidão

Eng: No more slavery

1:35 - Nem tronco e nem feitor

Eng: Neither trunk nor overseer

1:37 - Lei áurea ae oo Lei Áurea a

Eng: Golden Law a and oo Golden Law a

1:43 - Lei áurea ae oo Lei Áurea a

Eng: Golden Law a and oo Golden Law a

1:48 - Lei áurea ae oo Lei Áurea a

Eng: Golden Law a and oo Golden Law a

1:53 - Lei áurea ae oo Lei Áurea a

Eng: Golden Law a and oo Golden Law a

History and sentiment behind song

By the end of the 19th century, slavery was doomed in the Brazilian Empire. Reasons included growing quilombo militias raids in plantations that still used slaves, the refusal of the Brazilian army to deal with escapees and the growth of Brazilian abolitionist movements. The Empire tried to soften the problems with laws to restrict slavery, but finally Brazil would recognise the end of the institution on May 13, 1888, with a law called Lei Áurea (the golden law), sanctioned by imperial parliament and signed by Princess Isabel.

Even though the emancipation of all slaves in Brazil was broadly popular, there were also strong resistance to Princess Isabel's succession to the throne. Her gender, strong Catholic faith and her marriage to a foreigner were seen as hindrance against her, and thus the liberation of the slaves caused great disfavour among powerful planters.

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