Lá Na Bahia Côco De Dendê

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

Lá Na Bahia Côco De Dendê

Author: Mestre Bimba

Author: Mestre Bimba

Song Lyrics

0:01 - Lá na Bahia côco de dendê

Eng: In Bahia there's a coconut

0:05 - Lá na Bahia côco de dendê

Eng: In Bahia there's a coconut

0:10 - Pega devagar

Eng: Take it slow

0:11 - Com dendê

Eng: With palm

0:12 - Pega devagar

Eng: Take it slow

0:13 - Com dendê

Eng: With palm

0:14 - Pega devagar

Eng: Take it slow

0:15 - Com dendê

Eng: With palm

0:16 - Pega devagar

Eng: Take it slow

0:17 - Com dendê

Eng: With palm

0:18 - Pega devagar

Eng: Take it slow

0:19 - Com dendê

Eng: With palm

0:20 - Pega devagar

Eng: Take it slow

0:21 - Com dendê

Eng: With palm

0:22 - Lá na Bahia côco de dendê

Eng: In Bahia there's a coconut

0:26 - Lá na Bahia côco de dendê

Eng: In Bahia there's a coconut

0:29 - Pega devagar

Eng: Take it slow

0:31 - Com dendê

Eng: With palm

0:32 - Pega devagar

Eng: Take it slow

0:33 - Com dendê

Eng: With palm

0:34 - Pega devagar

Eng: Take it slow

0:35 - Com dendê

Eng: With palm

0:36 - Pega devagar

Eng: Take it slow

0:37 - Com dendê

Eng: With palm

0:38 - Pega devagar

Eng: Take it slow

History and sentiment behind song

In this song the coconut is a metaphor for someone's head. Dendê refers to a type of oil (red palm oil), but in this song it has a subtler meaning of something that is delicious but also bad for you since it is slippery (like the oil).

Dende/palms/palm oil were very significant in the everyday lives of those early Capoeiristas, and could be used as an analogy for a lot of things. Food cooked without oil is maybe lacking in flavor, not very filling, and probably burnt. Capoeira, without proper dende, would suffer the same way.

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