É Jogo Praticado Na Terra

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

É Jogo Praticado Na Terra

Author: Mestre Suassuna

Author: Mestre Suassuna

Song Lyrics

0:21 - Oi meu mano

Eng: Hi my brother

0:23 - O que foi que tu viu la

Eng: What did you see there

0:26 - Eu vi Capoeira matando

Eng: I saw Capoeira killing

0:28 - Tambem vi maculelê, Capoeira

Eng: I also saw maculele, Capoeira

0:31 - É jogo praticado na terra de Săo Salvador

Eng: It is a game played in the land of São Salvador

0:34 - e capoeira

Eng: and capoeira

0:36 - É jogo praticado na terra de Săo Salvador

Eng: It is a game played in the land of São Salvador

0:40 - Sou discipulo que aprende

Eng: I am a disciple who learns

0:43 - Sou mestre que da liçăo

Eng: I'm a master of the lesson

0:45 - Na roda de Capoeira

Eng: In the Capoeira roda

0:47 - Nunca dei um golpe em văo

Eng: I never hit in vain

0:49 - Capoeira

Eng: Capoeira

0:51 - É jogo praticado na terra de Săo Salvador

Eng: It is a game played in the land of São Salvador

0:54 - e capoeira

Eng: and capoeira

0:56 - É jogo praticado na terra de Săo Salvador

Eng: It is a game played in the land of São Salvador

0:59 - Manuel dos Reis Machado

Eng: Manuel dos Reis Machado

1:02 - Ele é fenômenal

Eng: It is phenomenal

1:05 - Ele é o Mestre Bimba

Eng: He is Mestre Bimba

1:07 - Criador do Regional, Capoeira

Eng: Creator of the Regional, Capoeira

1:09 - Capoeira

Eng: Capoeira

1:10 - É jogo praticado na terra de Săo Salvador

Eng: It is a game played in the land of São Salvador

1:13 - e capoeira

Eng: and capoeira

1:15 - É jogo praticado na terra de Săo Salvador

Eng: It is a game played in the land of São Salvador

1:18 - Capoeira é luta noss

Eng: Capoeira is our fight

1:22 - Da era colonial

Eng: From the colonial era

1:24 - Nasceu foi na Bahia

Eng: It was born in Bahia

1:26 - Angola e Regional, Capoeira

Eng: Angola and Regional, Capoeira

1:29 - É jogo praticado na terra de Săo Salvador

Eng: It is a game played in the land of São Salvador

1:33 - e capoeira

Eng: and capoeira

1:34 - É jogo praticado na terra de Săo Salvador

Eng: It is a game played in the land of São Salvador

1:38 - No dia que eu amenheço

Eng: On the day I wake up

1:41 - Danado da minha vida

Eng: Damn my life

1:43 - Planto cana descascada

Eng: Peeled cane planting

1:45 - Com seis dias tá nascida, Capoeira

Eng: With six days is born, Capoeira

1:49 - É jogo praticado na terra de Săo Salvador

Eng: It is a game played in the land of São Salvador

1:52 - e capoeira

Eng: and capoeira

1:53 - É jogo praticado na terra de Săo Salvador

Eng: It is a game played in the land of São Salvador

History and sentiment behind song

The city of Salvador in the northeastern state of Bahia is one of Brazil's oldest cities, and was the country's first capital until being succeeded by Rio de Janeiro in 1763. It is best known for its Afro-Brazilian culture and cuisine, as it has the country's highest proportion of Brazilians of African descent.

Salvador is important in the history of capoeira. Although there is no certainty as to where, exactly, capoeira originated (the first written record of capoeira comes from Rio de Janeiro in 1789), Salvador is undeniably the birthplace of capoeira's modern forms, Capoeira Angola (preserved by Mestre Pastinha) and Capoeira Regional (developed by Mestre Bimba) - both these mestres were natives of Salvador.

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