Devagar, Devagar

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

Devagar, Devagar

Author: Mestre Sorriso

Song Lyrics

0:11 - Não sou corte de machado

Eng: I'm not a axe cuter

0:16 - mais derrubo de mansinho

Eng: I bring it down gently

0:22 - techo o meu pé afiado

Eng: I have my foot

0:26 - que nem dente de cupim

Eng: as sharp as a termite's tooth

0:31 - Sou amante sou amado

Eng: I'm a lover I'm loved

0:36 - sou gostoso que nem vinho

Eng: I'm tasty like wine

0:41 - no verão sou temperado

Eng: in summer I'm temperate

0:46 - no inverno eu sou quentinho

Eng: in winter I'm warm

0:51 - onde chego estou chegado

Eng: where I get to I'm gotten close

0:56 - devagar, devagarinho

Eng: Slowly, very slowly

1:01 - devagar, devagar, devagar

Eng: Slowly, Slowly, Slowly

1:07 - bem de mansinho

Eng: very softly

1:11 - devagar devagar

Eng: Slowly, Slowly

1:16 - devagar devargarinho

Eng: Slowly, very slowly

1:21 - devagar devagar

Eng: Slowly, Slowly

1:25 - que nem cobra coral bem rasteirinha

Eng: like a corral snake that crawls around

1:31 - devagar devagar

Eng: Slowly, Slowly

1:35 - eo pedir pra jogar devagarinho

Eng: and ask him to play slowly

1:40 - devagar devagar

Eng: Slowly, Slowly

1:45 - eu e voce nois dois juntinhos

Eng: you and I, the two of us together

1:51 - devagar devagar

Eng: Slowly, Slowly

1:56 - devagar devargarinho

Eng: Slowly, very slowly

2:01 - devagar devagar

Eng: Slowly, Slowly

2:06 - devagar bem de mansinho

Eng: very slowly, very softly

2:10 - devagar devagar

Eng: Slowly, Slowly

History and sentiment behind song

This is a song reminding players to slow their game down. Usually played in Angola.

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