Bom Jesus Da Lapa

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

Bom Jesus Da Lapa

Author: Mestre Charm

Song Lyrics

0:01 - Bom Jesus da Lapa ê

Eng: Good Jesus of Lapa is

0:03 - Bom Jesus da Lapa

Eng: Good Jesus of Lapa

0:06 - Bom Jesus da Lapa ê

Eng: Good Jesus of Lapa is

0:08 - Bom Jesus da Lapa

Eng: Good Jesus of Lapa

0:11 - Bom Jesus da Lapa ê

Eng: Good Jesus of Lapa is

0:13 - Bom Jesus da Lapa

Eng: Good Jesus of Lapa

0:16 - Bom Jesus da Lapa ê

Eng: Good Jesus of Lapa is

0:18 - Bom Jesus da Lapa

Eng: Good Jesus of Lapa

0:21 - Eu nunca fiz inimigo

Eng: I never made an enemy

0:24 - Sai aonde vou pisar

Eng: Get out where I'm going to step

0:26 - Eu só peço proteção

Eng: I only ask for postage

0:28 - Pra maldade afastar

Eng: For evil to drive away

0:31 - Bom Jesus da Lapa ê

Eng: Good Jesus of Lapa is

0:33 - Bom Jesus da Lapa

Eng: Good Jesus of Lapa

0:36 - Eu pedi você ajuda

Eng: I asked you for help

0:38 - Para nada me faltar

Eng: For nothing to lack

0:41 - Pois agora eu lhe agradeço

Eng: Well now I thank you

0:43 - Bom Jesus da Lapa

Eng: Good Jesus of Lapa

0:46 - Bom Jesus da Lapa ê

Eng: Good Jesus of Lapa is

0:48 - Bom Jesus da Lapa

Eng: Good Jesus of Lapa

0:50 - Quem manda no mundo é Deus

Eng: Who rules the world is God

0:53 - E ninguém pode negar

Eng: And no one can deny

0:56 - Eu não acredito em Santo

Eng: I don't believe in Saint

0:58 - Não carrego patuá

Eng: I don't carry patuá

1:00 - Bom Jesus da Lapa ê

Eng: Good Jesus of Lapa is

1:03 - Bom Jesus da Lapa

Eng: Good Jesus of Lapa

1:05 - Bom Jesus da Lapa ê

Eng: Good Jesus of Lapa is

1:08 - Bom Jesus da Lapa

Eng: Good Jesus of Lapa

1:10 - Bom Jesus da Lapa ê

Eng: Good Jesus of Lapa is

1:12 - Bom Jesus da Lapa

Eng: Good Jesus of Lapa

1:15 - Abençoe o meu caminho

Eng: Bless my way

1:17 - Por onde eu caminhar

Eng: Where i walk

1:20 - Ilumine a escuridão

Eng: Light up the darkness

1:22 - Pra eu sempre enxergar

Eng: For me to always see

1:25 - Bom Jesus da Lapa ê

Eng: Good Jesus of Lapa is

1:27 - Bom Jesus da Lapa

Eng: Good Jesus of Lapa

1:30 - Bom Jesus da Lapa ê

Eng: Good Jesus of Lapa is

1:32 - Bom Jesus da Lapa

Eng: Good Jesus of Lapa

History and sentiment behind song

Bom Jesus Da Lapa - a municipality in Bahia, Brazil; the third largest Catholic festival in Brazil known as the Romaria (Portuguese for "Procession" or "Pilgrimage") of Bom Jesus, takes place there. The name means "Good Jesus of the Grotto.

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