0:09 - Deus não deu inteligência ao lobo
Eng: God did not give intelligence to the wolf
0:14 - Nem cobra pode voar
Eng: Not even a snake can fly
0:18 - Que vale esse corpo todo
Eng: What is this whole body worth?
0:22 - Mas sem cabeça pra pensar
Eng: But without a mind to think
0:26 - Se ser forte fosse vantagem
Eng: If being strong was an advantage
0:30 - Ter grande corpo documento
Eng: Have great document body
0:34 - Seu Pastinha não existia
Eng: Seu Pastinha didn't exist
0:38 - Tava no desconhecimento
Eng: I was in ignorance
0:42 - Mas toda roda tem um brabo
Eng: But every wheel has a brabo
0:46 - Mas toda roda tem um brabo
Eng: But every wheel has a brabo
0:50 - Isso não dá pra negar
Eng: This cannot be denied
0:54 - Que pensa que a valentia
Eng: Who do you think bravery
0:58 - É ter vontade de brigar
Eng: It's about wanting to fight
1:02 - se valentia fosse coragem
Eng: if courage was courage
1:05 - Colega Invés do corpo usasse a mente
Eng: Colleague Instead of the body using the mind
1:10 - Tu virarias Angoleiro
Eng: You would become angoleiro
1:14 - E de Pastinha a semente
Eng: And Pastinha the seed
1:18 - Haha
Eng: Haha
1:19 - Aruandê
Eng: Aruandê
1:22 - eeeeeeeee Aruandê camará
Eng: eeeeeeeee Aruandê camará
1:27 - Iê! Aruanda
Eng: Iê! Aruanda
1:30 - Iê! Aruanda camará
Eng: Iê! Aruanda friend
1:34 - Voltar porque o mundo deu
Eng: Come back cause the world gave
1:37 - Iê! Voltar que o mundo deu, camará
Eng: Iê! cause the world gave, friend
1:43 - Voltar que o mundo dar
Eng: Come back cause the world give
1:46 - Iê! voltar que o mundo dar, camará
Eng: Iê! cause the world give, friend
1:50 - Iê! Agora é Agora
Eng: Iê! Agora é agora
1:53 - Iê! Agora é agora, camará
Eng: Iê! agora é agora, camará
Two to three generations into slavery, the idea of Luanda as a city seemed completely unreal. When they heard their elders speak of Luanda, they could not create an idea of what a city or country where their people were free would look like. So, they imagined it to be some sort of "heaven" or promised land. The idea of being able to return to world of freedom, a magical place, became an idea that passed from the mouth of slave to slave. As the word kept being repeated, the L took on more of an AR sound and it transformed from "Luanda" into "Aruanda".
The idea of Aruanda became such a strong vision, that it was always followed by cries of excitement, the sound of "ê!" for emphasis. "Aruanda ê!" The "a" at the end of Aruanda soon disappeared and the "ê" was joined. Brazilian slaves created one word for this idea of heaven, the promised land: Aruandê.