África Brasil

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

África Brasil

Author: Mestre Suassuna

Song Lyrics

0:13 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

0:20 - Ao meu Brasil

Eng: To my Brazil

0:27 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

0:35 - Ao meu Brasil

Eng: To my Brazil

0:39 - Mistura de raça e de cor

Eng: Race and color mix

0:40 - Mantendo a nossa tradição

Eng: Keeping our tradition

0:42 - Do povo guerreiro e sofrido

Eng: Of the warrior and suffering people

0:44 - Por isso não tem о perigo

Eng: That's why there's no danger

0:46 - Lutar contra a escravidão

Eng: Fight against slavery

0:47 - África

Eng: Africa

0:49 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

0:53 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

0:55 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

0:56 - Ao meu Brasil

Eng: To my Brazil

1:04 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

1:08 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

1:09 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

1:11 - Ao meu Brasil

Eng: To my Brazil

1:15 - Cultura afro-brasileira

Eng: Afro-brazilian culture

1:16 - Aprendi a plantar macaxeira

Eng: Learn to plant cassava

1:18 - Subi о рé de bananeira

Eng: I climbed the banana tree

1:20 - Viver a beleza do amor

Eng: Live the beauty of love

1:22 - Amor que só há natureza

Eng: Love that there is only nature

1:24 - О negro, о aroma da mesa

Eng: The black, the aroma of the table

1:26 - Tempero que da о sabor

Eng: Seasoning that gives flavor

1:27 - África

Eng: Africa

1:29 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

1:33 - África

Eng: Africa

1:35 - África iá iá

Eng: Africa ia ia

1:36 - Ao meu Brasil

Eng: To my Brazil

1:43 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

1:47 - África

Eng: Africa

1:50 - África

Eng: Africa

1:51 - Ao meu Brasil

Eng: To my Brazil

1:55 - Negro, Mulato, Mameluco

Eng: Black , Mulato, Mameluco

1:56 - Mistura que deu о Cafuzo

Eng: Mixture that gave Cafuzo

1:58 - Em busca da libertação

Eng: In search of liberation

2:00 - Não só da corrente do açoite

Eng: Not just the whip chain

2:02 - O negro chorava de noite

Eng: The black one cried at night

2:03 - Com a forte dor no coração

Eng: With the strong pain in the heart

2:05 - Lembra do abraço mainha

Eng: Remember my hug mom

2:07 - Cantando uma ladainha

Eng: Singing a ladainha

2:09 - Pedindo a Deus proteção

Eng: Asking God for protection

2:11 - África

Eng: Africa

2:12 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

2:16 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

2:18 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

2:19 - Ao meu Brasil

Eng: To my Brazil

2:25 - Energias boa'

Eng: Good energies

2:27 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

2:31 - África

Eng: Africa

2:33 - África iá iá

Eng: Africa ia ia

2:35 - Ao meu Brasil

Eng: To my Brazil

2:38 - Mistura de raça e de cor

Eng: Race and color mix

2:39 - Mantendo a nossa tradição

Eng: Keeping our tradition

2:41 - Do povo guerreiro e sofrido

Eng: Of the warrior and suffering people

2:43 - Por isso não tem о perigo

Eng: That's why there's no danger

2:45 - Lutar contra a escravidão

Eng: Fight against slavery

2:47 - África

Eng: Africa

2:48 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

2:52 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

2:54 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

2:55 - Ao meu Brasil

Eng: To my Brazil

3:01 - Simbora

Eng: Let's go

3:03 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

3:07 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

3:09 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

3:10 - Ao meu Brasil

Eng: To my Brazil

3:14 - Cultura afro-brasileira

Eng: Afro-brazilian culture

3:16 - Aprendi a plantar macaxeira

Eng: Learn to plant cassava

3:17 - Subi о рé de bananeira

Eng: I climbed the banana tree

3:19 - Viver a beleza do amor

Eng: Live the beauty of love

3:21 - Amor que só há natureza

Eng: Love that there is only nature

3:23 - О negro, о aroma da mesa

Eng: The black, the aroma of the table

3:25 - Tempero que da о sabor

Eng: Seasoning that gives flavor

3:26 - África

Eng: Africa

3:28 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

3:32 - África

Eng: Africa

3:34 - África iá iá

Eng: Africa ia ia

3:35 - Ao meu Brasil

Eng: To my Brazil

3:42 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

3:46 - África

Eng: Africa

3:49 - África

Eng: Africa

3:50 - Ao meu Brasil

Eng: To my Brazil

3:54 - Negro, Mulato, Mameluco

Eng: Black , Mulato, Mameluco

3:55 - Mistura que deu о Cafuzo

Eng: Mixture that gave Cafuzo

3:57 - Em busca da libertação

Eng: In search of liberation

3:59 - Não só da corrente do açoite

Eng: Not just the whip chain

4:01 - O negro chorava de noite

Eng: The black one cried at night

4:02 - Com a forte dor no coração

Eng: With the strong pain in the heart

4:04 - Lembra do abraço mainha

Eng: Remember my hug mom

4:06 - Cantando uma ladainha

Eng: Singing a ladainha

4:08 - Pedindo a Deus proteção

Eng: Asking God for protection

4:10 - África

Eng: Africa

4:11 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

4:15 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

4:17 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

4:19 - Ao meu Brasil

Eng: To my Brazil

4:24 - Energias boa'

Eng: Good energies

4:26 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

4:30 - África

Eng: Africa

4:32 - África iá iá

Eng: Africa ia ia

4:33 - Ao meu Brasil

Eng: To my Brazil

4:40 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

4:47 - Ao meu Brasil

Eng: To my Brazil

4:55 - África se uniu

Eng: Africa is one

History and sentiment behind song

In the 17th and 18th centuries, Mameluco was used to refer to organized bands of slave-hunters, also known as bandeirantes, who roamed the interior of South America from the Atlantic Ocean to the foothills of the Andes, and from Paraguay to the Orinoco river, invading Guarani-occupied areas in search of slaves.

A mulato (from muladi) was a person of simultaneous visible European and African descent.

The song references Cafuzo which is a term that refers to people of mixed African and Native American ancestry.

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