The Capoeira Gerais group uses the following Toques de Berimbau in their Rodas: Angola, São Bento Pequeno, São Bento Grande de Angola, São Bento Grande da Regional (also known as São Bento Grande de Bimba), Iúna, Santa Maria, Cavalaria e Samba de roda. Mestre Mão Branca plays São Bento Grande da Regional in the Batizados (baptisms) of new students and São Bento Grande de Angola for trocas (changing cords) and Iúna for Formados and Formaturas. Students are baptized by Estágiarios, Professores, Contra - Mestres, Mestrandos e Mestres. In the Trocas, the students play among themselves and with the students of the expected graduação. Official events are opened with the singing of the Capoeira Gerais anthem. The instruments in the roda have a specific arrangement. Right to left: Pandeiro, Atabaque, Berimbau Gunga, Berimbau Médio and Berimbau Viola. If other instruments such as Reco-Reco, Agogô or another instrument are used, these are placed on the right side. We clap the "Palma de Dois" at São Bento Pequeno, the Palma de tres "at São Bento Grande da Regional and the" Palma de Terreiro "at São Bento Grande de Angola.