
Level: Beginner | Style: Mixed Style

Tutorials, Step By Step guide, Tips & Follow Along Video

Pronounced “hole-ay is a way of moving low to the ground, legs sweeping short in front of you.

Move Background

The rôlé is a smart move to learn at the beginning of your practice. Rolê can be thought of as a cartwheel with the legs sweeping the floor instead of lifting over the body. Similar to the Capoeira au (cartwheel), the movement starts with the toes pointing forwards and the body moving laterally with the hands coming down to the floor first and sweeping the legs around the front of the body. A smaller rolê may help evade an attack while preparing one of your own. A larger Rolê may be more beneficial for repositioning in the roda, for example. Rolê, like many other moves in Capoeira, has many different functions and its use depends greatly on the situation in the roda.

Step by step guide

  • It's used to transition between from one movement into another.
  • It basically 'glues' your movements together which enables you to effortlessly flow in and out of movements.
  • You can begin from either a deep squat or the previous transition, the negativa.
  • This 'rolling' motion is - together with the Ginga and the Au - the basic method of moving around in the Roda.
  • This move can be performed from Ginga or from most of the esquivas.
  • It is essentially a spin to one side by the capoeirista while remaining low to the ground and always watching the other player.
  • One of the hallmarks of the move is that during the part where the back is facing the opponent, eye contact is maintained via looking between the legs to watch for an attack.
  • The rolê can end easily in roxana, Negativa, or various esquivas.
  • The Rolê de Cabeça variation is performed by placing the head on the ground in the middle of the rolê so as to be able to transition into various headstand techniques.

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