Esquiva Diagonal

Level: Beginner | Style: Mixed Style

Tutorials, Step By Step guide, Tips & Follow Along Video

Diagonal dodge.

Move Background

This is a dodge that simultaneously dodges and advances forward. Instead of going straight down under an attack or off to the side like in the esquiva lateral or esquiva de frente, the capoeirista steps diagonally of to the left or right of the attack.

Step by step guide

  • He/she places his front foot in a perpendicular position to his back foot and crouches down at the knees in a low lunge.
  • The left or right arm comes up to protect the face depending on the direction of the attack while the other arm maintains the body's balance.
  • This is a quite useful esquiva because many counterattacks are available to the player from this position which can include martelos, ganchos, or vingativas saving valuable time.

Variations on Esquiva

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