Arpão De Cabeça

Level: Intermediate | Style: Regional

Tutorials, Step By Step guide, Tips & Follow Along Video

Arpão de Cabeça literally means 'head harpoon.'

Move Background

This is a headbutt that involved the capoeirista throwing his full body into the headbutt.

Step by step guide

  • While the cabeça can be seen as playful, this is its more violent cousin.
  • By usually ducking under a kick or punch, the player will spring forward with full force targeting the head, stomach, or groin.

Variations on Cabecada

Learn Capoeira Move Cabeçada

Style: Mixed Style
Level: Intermediate
Category : Headbutts

Learn Capoeira Move Escorumelo

Style: Briga De Rua (Street Fighting)
Level: Intermediate
Category : Headbutts

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