Samba De Roda

Learn Capoeira

Samba De Roda


The most unusual difference between capoeira and other martial arts is its music which accompanies the players while they are exhibiting their skills in the roda. It is this music which is the true attraction. Even if one cannot physically participate in the roda, the music allows you to be actively involved in the game on the same level as the capoeiristas, and thus reveal your hidden talent.


Samba de roda is regarded as the mother of modern samba dance. It is a popular festive event that combines music, dance and poetry. The rhythm comes from the traditional samba de roda of Bahia, and perhaps the oldest listed toque. All the songs are about the Wheel, or circle, inside which the game of capoeira is played and perfect. Capoeira is a complete art form, not just a game in the roda, and likewise, the roda is not just for Capoeira. It is finally played at the end of the game, at the end of which everyone dances together. This extremely popular practice, with its roots in Reconcavo of Bahia city. It caught the imagination of many from Rio de Janeiro and influenced its development until its status as a symbol of Brazilian nationality in the 20th century. The Samba de Roda can be divided into three meaningful sounds:

Tin Tin Dan
Tin Tin Dan
Tin Tin Dan Dan
Tin Tin Dan Dan  (put the pebble)

There are many Samba de roda berimbau toques, but this is the most common.

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