Nathanael Edson Morais Barros was born January 8, 1987 . In capoeira, known as Contra Mestre Tico .Started capoeira at 8 years old , accidentally hitting a project organized by the Government of Brazil for disadvantaged children , as entertainment. Before that, he played football and dreamed of playing in the big leagues for Brazil . His teacher was Mestre Perna Longa , who now teaches capoeira in Israel and is considered one of the most powerful in the world of capoeira . We have a group of Contra Mestre Tico in Brazil, which is now highly developed in capoeira . For a long time he lived and taught capoeira in Israel , organized camp capoeira .Also attended various seminars and has given master classes in France , Norway, Holland, South Korea , Ukraine and Russia . Is one of the best capoeira school Cordao de Ouro. Capoeira - his whole life . Now he decided to open his own school in Moscow not only to show what the real capoeira , but also to continue the development of this beautiful martial art.