Respeite Capoeira

Style: Contemporânea

Background, Founders, Members, Locations and Affiliations

Respeite Capoeira

Year Founded

First Location


School Style

Groups In





• Finland • Finland

"Respeite Capoeira" was created by Brazilian-born Mestre Gharronne in 2015. Until then, they trained under the name of Boa Vontade, a well-known group in Brazil. Most of the trainings in Tampere and Hämeenlinna are held by Noora-Liina Ora (Formada Matraca), who has been practicing capoeira for 12 years.

Founders & Key People

Affiliated Grupo Muzenza Groups

Respeite Capoeira Hämeenlinna


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Respeite Capoeira Lappeenranta


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Join us in our fight to end slavery and help us promote capoeira