Porto De Minas

Style: Regional

Background, Founders, Members, Locations and Affiliations

Porto De Minas

Year Founded

First Location


School Style

Groups In





• Belgium

Porto de Minas Group was founded on September 5, 1990 in Belo Horizonte (Brazil) under the direction of Mestre Niltinho. The group was formed to preserve the Capoeira culture by teaching it to everyone, regardless of race, color or social status; and also to contribute to the rediscovery of Capoeira, as its rich history remains unknown to most Brazilians. In this respect, the work has already achieved significant success, the group has become respected and admired not only in Brazil, but also in European countries, where it spread its activities in the cities of Belgium, Germany and Poland. A feature that distinguishes the group is the work focused mainly on Capoeira Regional, Maculele and playing percussion instruments.

Founders & Key People

Affiliated Grupo Muzenza Groups

Capoeira Porto de Minas


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