Mojubá Capoeira

Style: Contemporânea

Background, Founders, Members, Locations and Affiliations

Mojubá Capoeira

Year Founded

First Location


School Style

Groups In





• United Kingdom • Italy • Latvia

Mestre Poncianinho began his Capoeira training with M. Ponciano and M. Jose Antonio as he was fortunate enough to have both his father and his uncle as his Mestre, both students of Grande Mestre Suassuna. Mestre Jose Antonio is the Mestre of CDO Guaratingueta where M. Poncianinho started teaching Capoeira at the age of fifteen. Ponciano has since been doing capoeira shows and teaching full time in Brazil and throughout Europe, and he has been teaching in London since 2000.

Founders & Key People

Affiliated Grupo Muzenza Groups

Mojubá Capoeira London


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Mojubá Capoeira Milano


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Mojubá Capoeira Rīga


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Join us in our fight to end slavery and help us promote capoeira