Capoeira Sou Eu

Style: Contemporânea

Background, Founders, Members, Locations and Affiliations

Capoeira Sou Eu

Year Founded

First Location


School Style

Groups In





• Greece • Italy • Greece

In 1991 Mestre Baixinho, Molinha and other Italian capoeira students founded the Associazione Italiana di Capoeira Filhos di São Bento Grande in Milan. In 1997 Molinha achieved her formadura. In 2000 she founded with her capoeira students the group Capoeira Sou Eu. Capoeira Sou Eu is an Italian capoeira group. In 2009 Molihna expanded the Capoeira Sou group by starting the Greek group in Athens. The Milan and the Athens groups meet very often and participate in common activities which always aim at deepening the knowledge in the art of the Capoeira. Molinha and her capoeira students have maintained a friendly and respectful relationship with Mestre Baixinho and Mestre Brasilia. They regularly visit them in Milan and São Paulo.

Founders & Key People

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Capoeira Sou Eu


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Capoeira Sou Eu


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Capoeira Sou Eu


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