Capoeira Ibeca

Style: Contemporânea

Background, Founders, Members, Locations and Affiliations

Capoeira Ibeca

Year Founded

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Tiago de Camargo, known as Formiga in the world of capoeira, began practicing capoeira in 1988. At that time he was training in a social project in Campinas (São Paulo), in which Mestre Mauricio was teaching. A friend invited him to just drop by while training. He liked it so much that he joined the group. In the beginning he actually only trains because all of his friends were in the group. The class took place in the garden of a friend of our Grand Master. Over the years he discovered his love for Capoeira. After 5 years, Mestre Mauricio had to stop teaching for personal reasons. Then Mestre Formiga began to train with Mestre Irandir of the Arte Brasileira group. A short time later they joined as a group of the Grupo Senzala under the direction of Mestre Ramos, To which he belonged for 12 years and in which he learned a lot and made friends with numerous people who are very valuable to him in the world of Capoeira. On January 27, 2006, Mestre Formiga and his students founded CAPOEIRA IBECA. At the five-year anniversary of CAPOEIRA IBECA on January 16, 2011 in Campinas, Mestre Formiga received its Mestre title from Mestre Maurício.

Founders & Key People

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Capoeira Ibeca


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Capoeira Ibeca


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