It was founded in 2013 in Lausanne (Switzerland) by Roberto Barrêto Silva, known in the world of capoeira under the name of Mestrando Baianinho do Mangue and by Sarah Barrêto Silva Grangier, graduada Saìra. The Arte da Terra Capoeira school offers modern capoeira, focused on the effectiveness of wrestling movements. More sporty than folkloric, the capoeira taught in our school aims to train athletes.
It could be described as more complex, fluid, with movements and players specially synchronized in their games, giving an effect of roundness and continuity, of technical precision.
The ergonomics of the movements of this capoeira facilitate rapid learning for beginner students.
Rich in entry options in the game, the player is more precise and efficient in his attacks.
Finally, it is complete enough to be able to play with any other capoeira.
The basic structure of the movements and the training methods are those developed in the 90s in Brazil by some masters. Even today, this didactic continues to evolve. Some groups like Arte da Terra Capoeira, Capoeira Volta ao Mundo and others still develop the same work. It is currently "fashionable" capoeira.