Zum Zum Zum Capoeira Mata Um

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

Zum Zum Zum Capoeira Mata Um

Song Lyrics

0:07 - Zum zum zum

Eng: Zoom Zoom Zoom

0:08 - Capoeira mata um

Eng: Capoeira kills one

0:10 - Zum zum zum

Eng: Zoom Zoom Zoom

0:11 - Capoeira mata um

Eng: Capoeira kills one

0:14 - Zum zum zum

Eng: Zoom Zoom Zoom

0:16 - Capoeira mata um

Eng: Capoeira kills one

0:18 - Zum zum zum

Eng: Zoom Zoom Zoom

0:20 - Capoeira mata um

Eng: Capoeira kills one

0:22 - Onde tem marimbondo?

Eng: Where there is the wasp

0:23 - zum zum zum

Eng: Zoom Zoom Zoom

0:24 - Onde tem marimbondo?

Eng: Where there is the wasp

0:25 - zum zum zum

Eng: Zoom Zoom Zoom

0:26 - Onde tem marimbondo?

Eng: Where there is the wasp

0:27 - zum zum zum

Eng: Zoom Zoom Zoom

0:28 - Onde tem marimbondo?

Eng: Where there is the wasp

0:29 - zum zum zum

Eng: zum zum zum

0:30 - O A O A E

Eng: O A O A E

0:31 - Quero ver bater, Quero ver cair

Eng: I wanna see it hit, I wanna see it fall

0:34 - O A O A E

Eng: O A O A E

0:36 - Quero ver bater, Quero ver cair

Eng: I wanna see it hit, I wanna see it fall

0:38 - O A O A E

Eng: O A O A E

0:40 - Quero ver bater, Quero ver cair

Eng: I wanna see it hit, I wanna see it fall

0:42 - O A O A E

Eng: O A O A E

0:44 - Quero ver bater, Quero ver cair

Eng: I wanna see it hit, I wanna see it fall

History and sentiment behind song

Much of Capoeira philosophy and history is hidden in songs, which in turn are linked with the history of Brazil. The study and research of these songs are most important as their main purpose was either to pass an immediate message or relay information for future inference.

This song expresses the view that Capoeira was one good thing to come out of the institution of slavery. It also points out it's darker side that of its ability to cause bodily harm. Zoom Zoom Zoom was normally played during the time of impending trouble.

The lyrics signified that a person was about to be involved in an incident which could bring harm to him. This was relayed by the action of fast kicks and increasing tempo of the berimbau. Zoom Zoom Zoom, directed both the soul of berimbau as well as the speed of the Capoeira. The chorus response of a sound made by a passing wasp and Zoom Zoom Zoom, warned of danger, as wasp were considered poisonous. They also referred to an insect " maribondo" which is a large and dangerous Brazilian fly. Finally, it differentiates between the children of the slaves who could go to school and those who were forced to do their education as labour in cane fields.

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