Vento Que Balança Cana No Canavial

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

Vento Que Balança Cana No Canavial

Song Lyrics

0:05 - Vento que balança cana no canavial

Eng: Wind that swings sugarcane in the cane field

0:08 - Na varanda da casa grande

Eng: On the porch of the big house

0:11 - Coronel descansava na rede

Eng: Colonel rested on the hammock

0:14 - O negro no canavial

Eng: The black man in the cane field

0:15 - Morria de fome e de sede

Eng: Died of hunger and thirst

0:20 - Vento que balança cana no canavial

Eng: Wind that swings sugarcane in the cane field

0:25 - Vento que balança cana no canavial

Eng: Wind that swings sugarcane in the cane field

0:29 - Na capela da fazenda

Eng: In the farmhouse chapel

0:31 - Sinha ia se confessar

Eng: Sinha went to confession

0:34 - Coberta com manto de renda

Eng: Covered with lace cloak

0:36 - A joelhada no pé do altar

Eng: Kneeling to the foot of the altar

0:41 - Vento que balança cana no canavial

Eng: Wind that swings sugarcane in the cane field

0:46 - Vento que balança cana no canavial

Eng: Wind that swings sugarcane in the cane field

0:49 - Capataz de madrugada

Eng: Taskmaster at night

0:52 - Acordava em desespero

Eng: Woke up in despair

0:54 - Uma familia de escravo

Eng: A family of slaves

0:56 - Havia fugido do cativeiro

Eng: Had escaped from captivity

1:01 - Vento que balança cana no canavial

Eng: Wind that swings sugarcane in the cane field

1:05 - Vento que balança cana no canavial

Eng: Wind that swings sugarcane in the cane field

1:09 - Sinhozinho no fazenda

Eng: Sinhozinho at the farm

1:11 - Maltratava o erê

Eng: Mistreated the erê

1:14 - A mucamba na cozinha

Eng: The Mucamba in the kitchen

1:16 - Lamentava por nada fazer

Eng: Sorry for doing nothing

1:21 - Vento que balança cana no canavial

Eng: Wind that swings sugarcane in the cane field

1:25 - Vento que balança cana no canavial

Eng: Wind that swings sugarcane in the cane field

1:29 - Na varanda da casa grande

Eng: On the porch of the big house

1:31 - Coronel descansava na rede

Eng: Colonel rested on the hammock

1:34 - O negro no canavial

Eng: The black in the sugarcane fields

1:36 - Morria de fome e de sede

Eng: Died of hunger and thirst

1:40 - Vento que balança cana no canavial

Eng: Wind that swings sugarcane in the cane field

1:45 - Vento que balança cana no canavial

Eng: Wind that swings sugarcane in the cane field

1:48 - Vento que balança cana no canavial

Eng: Wind that swings sugarcane in the cane field

1:52 - Vento que balança cana no canavial

Eng: Wind that swings sugarcane in the cane field

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