La Laue (Luta E Brinca) - Mestre Barrão

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

La Laue (Luta E Brinca) - Mestre Barrão

Author: Mestre Barrão

Author: Mestre Barrão

Song Lyrics

0:01 - Bem-te-vi voou, voou

Eng: Bem-te-vi flew, flew

0:03 - Bem-te-vi voou, voou

Eng: Bem-te-vi flew, flew

0:05 - Deixa voar

Eng: Let it fly

0:06 - Lá lauê lauê lauê laua

Eng: Lá lauê lauê lauê laua

0:11 - Olalaelae

Eng: Olalaelae

0:13 - Lá lauê lauê lauê laua

Eng: Lá lauê lauê lauê laua

0:20 - Que som

Eng: What a sound

0:22 - Oi que arte essa

Eng: That is this art

0:23 - Que luta brincadeira

Eng: Of fight and playfulness

0:26 - Que roda

Eng: What a roda

0:27 - Maravilhosa essa

Eng: It is marvellous

0:29 - É Axé capoeira

Eng: It is Axe capoeira

0:32 - Em cada som, em cada toque

Eng: In each sound, in each beat

0:34 - Em cada ginga, tem um estilo de jogo

Eng: In each Ginga, has a style of play

0:37 - Em cada som, em cada toque

Eng: In each sound, in each beat

0:39 - Em cada ginga, tem um estilo de jogo

Eng: In each Ginga, has a style of play

0:43 - Lauê lauê la

Eng: Lauê lauê la

0:45 - Lá lauê lauê lauê laua

Eng: Lá lauê lauê lauê laua

0:52 - Olalaelae

Eng: Olalaelae

0:53 - Lá lauê lauê lauê laua

Eng: Lá lauê lauê lauê laua

History and sentiment behind song

(Roda Maravilhosa) A very beautiful, fast paced song,full of energy, that talks about the passion of the great game of Capoeira.

The song and name "lalaue" derives from Bem-te-vi, and song it sings. often referred to as the most popular bird of Brazil.

Bem-te-vi is the name of a Bird found in Northern Brazil. Literally it means “good to see” as it is quite a pretty bird. Apparently, In the heat of the day it will draw your attention by calling its name constantly, “KISKAA-KEE” (hence the name in English The Great Kiskaakee” sitting on a telephone wire or on a roof. Most other birds will keep silent around that time. They make their nest, also on a conspicuous place, from all kinds of plant-material, often with hay. The kiskadee defends its nest vigorously and even if it has no nest it will be aggressive against other birds. It is quite a common sight to see a kiskadee chasing a much bigger bird of prey above the houses.It vigorously defends itself and its territory from other birds much larger in size, like owls etc. It is said that the spirit of this species strongly represents that of the Brazilian people, and in this song it is compared with the spirit of Capoeira. But then a hummingbird might chase away a kiskadee.

The roda circle is described as a Wonderful Wheel (Roda Maravilhosa), full of enjoyment and fun.

With the berimbau imparting energy within the roda, the onlookers applaud every routine, every ginga ( a Capoeira stance which very much resembles a dance).

Capoeira here is also shown connected to supernatural elements, by those who practice Mandinga, to their advantage and benefit, in order to achieve their goal..

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