Cuidado Moço

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

Cuidado Moço

Author: Mestre Camisa

Song Lyrics

0:19 - Cuidado moço

Eng: Take care young man

0:21 - Que essa fruta tem caroço

Eng: As this fruit has a seed

0:24 - Cuidado moço

Eng: Take care young man

0:26 - Que essa fruta tem caroço

Eng: As this fruit has a seed

0:29 - Cuidado moço

Eng: Take care young man

0:31 - Que essa fruta tem caroço

Eng: As this fruit has a seed

0:34 - Cuidado moço

Eng: Take care young man

0:36 - Que essa fruta tem caroço

Eng: As this fruit has a seed

0:38 - Mais vale nossa amizade

Eng: Our friendship is better

0:41 - Que dinheiro no meu bolsó

Eng: Que dinheiro no meu bolso

0:43 - Para quem sabe viver

Eng: To those who know how to live

0:46 - Essa vida e um colossó

Eng: This life is a colossus

0:49 - Cuidado moço

Eng: Take care young man

0:51 - Que essa fruta tem caroço

Eng: As this fruit has a seed

0:54 - Cuidado moço

Eng: Take care young man

0:55 - Que essa fruta tem caroço

Eng: As this fruit has a seed

0:58 - Ando com corpo féchádo

Eng: I walk with a closed body

1:00 - E um rosario no péscoco

Eng: And a rosary around the neck

1:03 - Fui criado la na roça

Eng: I was a servant in the country

1:05 - Tomando agua de poço

Eng: Drinking water from the well

1:08 - Cuidado moço

Eng: Take care young man

1:10 - Que essa fruta tem caroço

Eng: As this fruit has a seed

1:13 - Cuidado moço

Eng: Take care young man

1:15 - Que essa fruta tem caroço

Eng: As this fruit has a seed

1:17 - Cachorro que é esperto

Eng: The dog that is smart

1:20 - Come a carne roi o osso

Eng: Eats the meat and gnaws it to the bone

1:22 - A mulher quando não presta

Eng: The woman when she's no good

1:24 - Mata o cabra de desgosto

Eng: That this fruit has stones

1:28 - Cuidado moço

Eng: Take care young man

1:29 - Que essa fruta tem caroço

Eng: As this fruit has a seed

1:32 - Cuidado moço

Eng: Take care young man

1:34 - Que essa fruta tem caroço

Eng: As this fruit has a seed

1:37 - Você pulava muito

Eng: You played a lot

1:39 - No tempo que era moço

Eng: When you were a young boy

1:42 - Já tá ficando velho

Eng: You’re already getting old

1:44 - Vejá as rugas no seu rosto

Eng: See at the wrinkles on your face

1:47 - Cuidado moço

Eng: Take care young man

1:49 - Que essa fruta tem caroço

Eng: As this fruit has a seed

1:52 - Cuidado moço

Eng: Take care young man

1:54 - Que essa fruta tem caroço

Eng: As this fruit has a seed

1:56 - Mais vale nossa amizade

Eng: Our friendship is better

1:58 - Que dinheiro no meu bolso

Eng: Que dinheiro no meu bolso

2:01 - Para quem sabe viver

Eng: To those who know how to live

2:03 - Essa vida é um colosso

Eng: This life is a colossus

2:06 - Cuidado moço

Eng: Take care young man

2:08 - Que essa fruta tem caroço

Eng: As this fruit has a seed

2:11 - Cuidado moço

Eng: Take care young man

2:13 - Que essa fruta tem caroço

Eng: As this fruit has a seed

2:16 - Ando com corpo féchádo

Eng: I walk with a closed body

2:18 - E um rosario no péscoco

Eng: And a rosary around the neck

2:20 - Fui criado la na roça

Eng: I was a servant in the country

2:23 - Tomando agua de poço

Eng: Drinking water from the well

2:26 - Cuidado moço

Eng: Take care young man

2:27 - Que essa fruta tem caroço

Eng: As this fruit has a seed

2:30 - Cuidado moço

Eng: Take care young man

2:32 - Que essa fruta tem caroço

Eng: As this fruit has a seed

2:35 - Cachorro que é esperto

Eng: The dog that is smart

2:37 - Come a carne roi o osso

Eng: Eats the meat and gnaws it to the bone

2:40 - A mulher quando não presta

Eng: The woman when she's no good

2:42 - Mata o cabra de desgosto

Eng: That this fruit has stones

2:45 - Cuidado moço

Eng: Take care young man

2:47 - Que essa fruta tem caroço

Eng: As this fruit has a seed

2:50 - Cuidado moço

Eng: Take care young man

2:52 - Que essa fruta tem caroço

Eng: As this fruit has a seed

2:54 - Você pulava muito

Eng: You played a lot

2:56 - No tempo que era moço

Eng: When you were a young boy

2:59 - Já tá ficando velho

Eng: You’re already getting old

3:01 - Vejá as rugas no seu rosto

Eng: See at the wrinkles on your face

3:04 - Cuidado moço

Eng: Take care young man

3:06 - Que essa fruta tem caroço

Eng: As this fruit has a seed

3:09 - Cuidado moço

Eng: Take care young man

3:11 - Que essa fruta tem caroço

Eng: As this fruit has a seed

History and sentiment behind song

There are rituals in candomblé that can be performed to “close” the body, magically protecting it from injury.

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