Brincando Na Roda

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

Brincando Na Roda

Author: Mestre Moraes

Song Lyrics

0:20 - Vamos la brincar na roda

Eng: Let's play in the circle

0:27 - Vamos la brincar na roda

Eng: Let's play in the circle

0:30 - No jogo do embolador

Eng: In the game of the embolador

0:33 - Nesta roda de mandinga

Eng: In this mandingo wheel

0:37 - Es o meu que Deus mandou

Eng: You are mine that God sent

0:40 - Os seus olhos ja me dizem

Eng: Your eyes already tell me

0:44 - que eu sou o ganhador

Eng: that I am the winner

0:47 - Quero ver rodar na roda

Eng: I want to see it spin on the wheel

0:51 - na roda viver o rodar

Eng: on the wheel live the spin

0:54 - Na roda vou dar uma volta, aie meu deus

Eng: At the wheel I'll take a walk, oh my god

0:58 - Vou ver o mundo girar

Eng: I'll see the world go round

1:01 - Na volta que o mundo deu

Eng: On the return that the world took

1:05 - Na volta que o munda da

Eng: On the return that the world

1:08 - Se eu vencer nesta roda

Eng: If I win on this wheel

1:11 - Na outra da pra levar, camaradinho

Eng: In the other one to take, buddy

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