Adeus Povo Bom Adeus

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

Adeus Povo Bom Adeus

Author: Mestre Marrom

Song Lyrics

0:05 - Adeus povo bom adeus

Eng: Goodbye good people goodbye

0:08 - Adeus eu ja vou me embora

Eng: Goodbye I'm leaving already

0:12 - Pelas ondas do mar eu vim

Eng: By the waves of the sea I came

0:14 - Pelas ondas do mar

Eng: By the waves of the sea

0:17 - Eu vou me embora

Eng: I'm leaving

0:19 - Adeus povo bom adeus

Eng: Goodbye good people goodbye

0:23 - Adeus eu ja vou me embora

Eng: Goodbye I'm leaving already

0:26 - Pelas ondas do mar eu vim

Eng: By the waves of the sea I came

0:29 - Pelas ondas do mar

Eng: By the waves of the sea

0:31 - Eu vou me embora

Eng: I'm leaving

0:34 - Adeus povo bom adeus

Eng: Goodbye good people goodbye

0:37 - Adeus eu ja vou me embora

Eng: Goodbye I'm leaving already

0:41 - Pelas ondas do mar eu vim

Eng: By the waves of the sea I came

0:44 - Pelas ondas do mar

Eng: By the waves of the sea

0:46 - Eu vou me embora

Eng: I'm leaving

0:49 - Adeus povo bom adeus

Eng: Goodbye good people goodbye

0:52 - Adeus eu ja vou me embora

Eng: Goodbye I'm leaving already

0:56 - Pelas ondas do mar eu vim

Eng: By the waves of the sea I came

0:58 - Pelas ondas do mar

Eng: By the waves of the sea

1:01 - Eu vou me embora

Eng: I'm leaving

1:04 - Adeus povo bom adeus

Eng: Goodbye good people goodbye

1:07 - Adeus eu ja vou me embora

Eng: Goodbye I'm leaving already

1:10 - Pelas ondas do mar eu vim

Eng: By the waves of the sea I came

1:13 - Pelas ondas do mar

Eng: By the waves of the sea

1:16 - Eu vou me embora

Eng: I'm leaving

1:18 - Adeus povo bom adeus

Eng: Goodbye good people goodbye

1:21 - Adeus eu ja vou me embora

Eng: Goodbye I'm leaving already

1:25 - Pelas ondas do mar eu vim

Eng: By the waves of the sea I came

1:28 - Pelas ondas do mar

Eng: By the waves of the sea

1:30 - Eu vou me embora

Eng: I'm leaving

History and sentiment behind song

The tempo and energy of the music and singing builds throughout the roda, culminating in a farewell song such as this one. Usually it is sung to the berimbau playing a very fast rhythm, and the games are played fast and short.

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