A Palma De Bimba

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

A Palma De Bimba

Author: Mestre Itapoan

Song Lyrics

0:02 - A palma estava errada

Eng: The clapping was wrong

0:04 - Bimba parou bateu outra vez

Eng: Bimba stopped and clapped again

0:07 - Bata esta palma direito

Eng: Clap your hands correctly

0:08 - A palma de bimba é um dois tres

Eng: The clapping of Bimba is one, two, three

0:10 - Olha a palma de bimba

Eng: The clapping of Bimba

0:11 - É um dois tres

Eng: Is one, two, three

0:13 - Olha a palma de bimba

Eng: The clapping of Bimba

0:14 - É um dois tres

Eng: Is one, two, three

0:15 - Olha a palma de bimba

Eng: The clapping of Bimba

0:16 - É um dois tres

Eng: Is one, two, three

0:17 - Olha a palma de bimba

Eng: The clapping of Bimba

0:18 - É um dois tres

Eng: Is one, two, three

0:20 - Se você é devoto de Bimba

Eng: If you’re a student of Bimba

0:22 - Na roda ele vai lhe ajudar

Eng: He’ll help you in the roda

0:25 - Mas se não, sai correndo

Eng: But if you’re not, run away

0:26 - Que a roda tá aberta e o bicho vai pegar

Eng: The roda is open and the bug will get you

0:28 - Olha a palma de Bimba

Eng: The clapping of Bimba

0:29 - É um dois tres

Eng: Is one, two, three

0:31 - Olha a palma de bimba

Eng: The clapping of Bimba

0:32 - É um dois tres

Eng: Is one, two, three

0:33 - Olha a palma de bimba

Eng: The clapping of Bimba

0:34 - É um dois tres

Eng: Is one, two, three

0:35 - Olha a palma de bimba

Eng: The clapping of Bimba

0:36 - É um dois tres

Eng: Is one, two, three

0:38 - A quadra estava errada

Eng: The song was wrong

0:40 - Bimba parou outra vez

Eng: Bimba stopped again

0:42 - Cante esta quadra direito

Eng: Sing this song right

0:44 - A palma de Bimba é um dois tres

Eng: The clapping of Bimba is one, two, three

0:46 - Olha a palma de Bimba

Eng: The clapping of Bimba

0:47 - É um dois tres

Eng: Is one, two, three

0:48 - Olha a palma de bimba

Eng: The clapping of Bimba

0:50 - É um dois tres

Eng: Is one, two, three

0:51 - Olha a palma de bimba

Eng: The clapping of Bimba

0:52 - É um dois tres

Eng: Is one, two, three

0:53 - Olha a palma de bimba

Eng: The clapping of Bimba

0:54 - É um dois tres

Eng: Is one, two, three

0:56 - A Iúna estava errada

Eng: The Iúna rhythm was wrong

0:58 - Bimba falou outra vez

Eng: Bimba said again

1:00 - Não matrate esta ave moleque

Eng: Don’t mistreat this bird, boy

1:02 - E a palma de Bimba é um dois tres

Eng: And the clapping of Bimba is one, two, three

1:04 - Olha a palma de Bimba

Eng: The clapping of Bimba

1:05 - É um dois tres

Eng: Is one, two, three

1:06 - Olha a palma de bimba

Eng: The clapping of Bimba

1:07 - É um dois tres

Eng: Is one, two, three

1:09 - Olha a palma de bimba

Eng: The clapping of Bimba

1:10 - É um dois tres

Eng: Is one, two, three

1:11 - A ginga estava errada

Eng: The ginga was wrong

1:14 - Bimba parou outra vez

Eng: Bimba stopped again

1:16 - Ô ginga bonito moleque

Eng: Ginga beautifully, boy

1:17 - E a palma de Bimba é um dois tres

Eng: And the clapping of Bimba is one, two, three

1:19 - Olha a palma de bimba

Eng: The clapping of Bimba

1:21 - É um dois tres

Eng: Is one, two, three

1:22 - Olha a palma de Bimba

Eng: The clapping of Bimba

1:23 - É um dois tres

Eng: Is one, two, three

1:24 - Olha a palma de bimba

Eng: The clapping of Bimba

History and sentiment behind song

In this song iúna is the name of a berimbau rhythm, and also the name of a bird. Clapping hands during the roda is done in capoeira regional and contemporanea, but not in capoeira Angola. The typical rhythm for clapping is “one-two-three-(rest)” following the beat of the pandeiros, or corresponding to the “dim-dom-dom” of the berimbau. Sometimes this song is sung to motivate people to clap when the clapping is getting weak, or to correct clappers who are off-beat.

Bimba of course refers to Mestre Bimba, the creator of Capoeira Regional (the style we do). The clapping is said to be from Bimba in this song because he developed the music and bateria in regional so that we clap on the first, second, and third beats.

"o bicho vai pegar"/"someone will catch you"- this literally translates into the bug will hit/sting you.

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