A Capoeira Tem Vida

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

A Capoeira Tem Vida

Song Lyrics

0:01 - A Capoeira tem vida

Eng: Capoeira has life

0:09 - Ela bate o coração

Eng: Its heart beats

0:15 - Ela tem sangue nas veias

Eng: It has blood in its veins

0:21 - Sentimento e emoção

Eng: Feeling, emotion

0:24 - A Capoeira tem vida

Eng: Capoeira has life

0:27 - A Capoeira tem vida

Eng: Capoeira has life

0:33 - Ela bate o coração

Eng: Its heart beats

0:39 - Ela tem sangue nas veias

Eng: It has blood in its veins

0:45 - Sentimento e emoção

Eng: Feeling, emotion

0:48 - A vida da capoeira

Eng: The life of capoeira

0:54 - É ver seu filho creser

Eng: Is to see your child grow up

0:59 - Leva teu nome pró mundo

Eng: Take your name to the world

1:06 - E a ela disinvolver

Eng: And her to disinvolve

1:08 - A Capoeira tem vida

Eng: Capoeira has life

1:12 - A Capoeira tem vida

Eng: Capoeira has life

1:17 - Ela bate o coração

Eng: Its heart beats

1:23 - Ela tem sangue nas veias

Eng: It has blood in its veins

1:29 - Sentimento e emoção

Eng: Feeling, emotion

1:33 - Ela bate o coracăo

Eng: Its heart beats

1:39 - Quando escuto o berimbau

Eng: When I hear the berimbau

1:44 - Na roda tocando Angola

Eng: In the roda playing Angola

1:50 - E o toque Regional

Eng: And the Regional touch

1:54 - A Capoeira tem vida

Eng: Capoeira has life

1:57 - A Capoeira tem vida

Eng: Capoeira has life

2:02 - Ela bate o coração

Eng: Its heart beats

2:08 - Ela tem sangue nas veias

Eng: It has blood in its veins

2:14 - Sentimento e emoção

Eng: Feeling, emotion

2:17 - Ela tem sangue nas veias

Eng: It has blood in its veins

2:23 - Que as vezes arrepia

Eng: that sometimes gives goosebumps

2:29 - Quando escuta o cantador

Eng: When you listen to the singer

2:35 - A sua historia contar

Eng: tell his story

2:38 - A Capoeira tem vida

Eng: Capoeira has life

2:41 - A Capoeira tem vida

Eng: Capoeira has life

2:47 - Ela bate o coração

Eng: Its heart beats

2:53 - Ela tem sangue nas veias

Eng: It has blood in its veins

2:59 - Sentimento e emoção

Eng: Feeling, emotion

3:02 - Ela mostra sentimento

Eng: She shows feelings

3:08 - Que muitas vezes chora

Eng: Who often cries

3:13 - Quando ve o capoeira

Eng: When you see capoeira

3:20 - Eraro ela passa

Eng: Eraro she passes

3:23 - A Capoeira tem vida

Eng: Capoeira has life

3:26 - A Capoeira tem vida

Eng: Capoeira has life

3:32 - Ela bate o coração

Eng: Its heart beats

3:37 - Ela tem sangue nas veias

Eng: It has blood in its veins

3:43 - Sentimento e emoção

Eng: Feeling, emotion

3:46 - Ela mostra emocăo

Eng: She shows emotion

3:52 - Quando vé o iniciante

Eng: When you see the beginner

3:58 - Na roda os primeiros passos

Eng: On the roda the first steps

4:04 - Levando ela adiant

Eng: Taking her forward

4:07 - A Capoeira tem vida

Eng: Capoeira has life

4:10 - A Capoeira tem vida

Eng: Capoeira has life

4:16 - Ela bate o coração

Eng: Its heart beats

4:22 - Ela tem sangue nas veias

Eng: It has blood in its veins

4:27 - Sentimento e emoção

Eng: Feeling, emotion

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